chapter 2

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After we got to the airfield and got in the jet i couldn't help but wonder if Lilly was lying to me in a few hours i would be able to do what i loved again hacking with no repercussions and i owe it all to angel, if it wasn't for her I would probably still be hiding in that moment i felt blessed so I texted her
Jake " I just realized if it weren't for you I'd still be hiding , i love you angel "
Mc " my my you're happy "
Jake " happy because i have you "
Mc " I love you too "
Jake " you remember that dress you wore?"
Mc " yes why ?"
Jake " why don't you get another one as soon as you're better I want to see you in it "
Mc " yes sir , have a safe flight , be careful and I'll see you in a few hours "
Jake " be careful angel text me if you need me , I'll see you soon "
After the jet took off I sat there brooding i needed a plan something to make sure Hannah stays away I can't risk mc getting hurt again even if I leave for a short while it's going to hurt her I'll need to speak to her father .after an hour we got there after we landed a car was waiting for us we headed straight to the  federal building when we got there mac just looked me
Mac " I'll wait for you out here , Good luck "
I nodded and walked in i slung my backpack over my shoulder when I walked through the doors i saw the weird looks a guy in a suit with a backpack I walked up to the desks the woman there just looked at me
Jake " Good morning i have an appointment with the director "
Receptionist " and your name is ?"
Jake " my name is jake "
Just then I saw the director walk in
Director " jake have you been here long"
Jake " no i just got here "
Director " ok lets go up to my office "
After we got into the elevator it was quiet there was two other occupants
Director " how is your fiancée feeling?"
Jake " she's a bit  better she's home "
Director " that's good to hear "
After we reached the floor he got off and I followed him to his office  we passed a receptionist desk with a young woman sitting there he opened the door and walked in , i followed him in
Director " have a seat jake and we'll go over everything "
So i sat in the chair opposite him
Director " so you'll be working in the IT Department because we don't have a hacking unit ,you can work from anywhere as long as you come in 3 times a month . You'll be given assignments to complete, some may be how I should i put this , it goes against all acts of humanity . You will be held accountable if you let these information get out , you are by get your information by any means necessary .
Jake " that is fine with me, no one will know anything .
Director " great then let's go down to the PR department and get you your badge and everything else .  Do you have a laptop ?"
Jake " 5 to be honest "
He just stared laughing after we headed down i had to get my picture taken i hated that shit it took about half of an hour to get everything done.
Director " why don't you wait in the break room and as soon as i have your badge and assignment I'll bring them for you and you can be on your way home "
After i got into the break room i sat there scrolling through my phone all the pictures i had were of angel she doesn't even know i took them the one that was currently my wallpaper was of her at our engagement party .just the someone pulled a chair at the table when i looked up it was the receptionist from the director's office . I just looked at her
Receptionist " hi my name is Grace will you be working here? "
Jake " no "
Grace " oh okay what's your name ?"
Jake " if I don't work here why do you need to know my name ?"
Grace " cause you're cute well actually you're hot "
Jake " not interested "
Grace " do you by chance have a girlfriend ?"
She was annoying and her voice was squeaky so i just turned the phone and showed her the screen
Jake " my wife " that should get her to shut up
Grace " but i don't see a ring "
Just then my phone started ringing i smiled
Jake " hello angel "
Mc " babe I'm bored of staying in the room "
Jake " where's your mom ?"
Mc " I don't know "
Jake " Angel, are you home alone ?"
Mc " no I'm not but I'm bored i can walk but it's no fun i keep falling over "
I started laughing  she was still sitting there looking at me .
Mc " you're laughing at me "
Jake " I'm sorry angel I'll he home soon "
Mc " crap I'm sorry ,i forgot where you're at I'm not disturbing you am i ?"
Jake " you could never disturb me angel , I'll always have time for you , I'll make a deal with you drink your medication and get some sleep, when i get home we'll do something special tonight just me and you "
Mc " everything with you is special , it's just "
Jake " just what ?"
Mc " i miss you I don't like the way i feel when you're not here "
She was killing me she never used to talk about the way she felt before i guess the incident did that to her .
Jake " i miss you too angel soon I'll be back ok"
Just then the director walked in
Director " here you go everything is set i'll see you in  20 days "
Jake " i have to go angel 5 minutes I'll call you back "
Jake " thank you "
Director " take care of that young lady hope she gets better soon i see you've met grace "
Jake " yes i have "
I wasn't about to say anything i needed to get out of there
Jake " thank you director I'll see you soon ,mac is out front waiting "
Director " ok i won't keep you take care"
I shook his hand and walked out as i walked out i felt relieved I called her she answered immediately
Jake " sorry i had to hang up on you angel ,the director came in "
Mc " it's ok "
Jake " I'm finished I'm on my way back to the airfield now I'll be home soon two hours tops. "
Mc " okay I'll take a nap "
I needed to make sure i did this right i had a lot to do in very little time i need to speak with her parents , find out if Lilly told me the truth ,and find Hannah and end this for good.

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