Scared 2

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Jake : Mc please answer

Jake's POV

I'm going out of my mind I can't lose her where is she what is happening to her I can't even begin to imagine she hasn't  answered me yet I don't know what's happening I can't do this I can't lose her I can't find Hannah now she's gone I knew it was dangerous but she said it doesn't matter as long as it felt right what do I do I flew in a rage I broke most of my equipment where is she where is she I'm losing my mind I need to find her I need to go to her I can't do this anymore I'll take her and run we'll hide if we have to keep hiding for the rest of our lives

Jake :  Lilly are you there

Lilly : hey big bro what's up

Jake : they found her

Lilly :; found who what are you talking about Jake

Jake : MC  she texted me she was scared someone was dead someone by the name of Sam and now she's not replying I don't know what to do

Lily : hold on Jake I'm going to text her

Jake :  it's no use she's not answering

Lily :;oh my God did you say someone died

Jake ::yes someone called Sammy Sam or something like that

Lilly : oh no

Jake :  you know about this

Lilly : well MC told me what happened before she went to her parents

Jake : what did she tell you

Lily  told him the entire story she told him everything that MC had told her

Jake : why would you keep something like this from me I'm the one they want  why did she keep it from me

Lily : for this exact reason she doesn't want you to be worried she can take care of herself

Jake : how do you know that how do you know she won't end up like Hannah or like Richy

Lily : she won't

Jake : wait she's texting me I will talk to you later.

Jake : Mc please tell me you're ok

Mc : I'm fine i had to hide

Jake : hide where

Mc : I'm actually in the Panic Room at my parents house while I was texting you all the lights went out and that never happens after that I heard someone  coming through the door I know it wasn't my parents my parents will not be back until 2 so I opened my room door and peeped out they were two guys so turned off  my phone and ran to the Panic Room the lights are still out I can hear them but I can't see them they won't be able to find me here I'm scared Jake what do I do now my friend is dead

Jake : I'm so sorry MC I told you it was dangerous it's me they are after and they will do anything to get to me let's run away forget everything and let's run away let's just disappear me and you

MC : i want that more than anything jake but we can't do that we need to find Hannah and Richy

Jake :  leave it to the police let's run please I can't lose you

MC :  I can't lose you either Jake but Jesse ,Thomas ,Cleo ,Dan  and Lilly they're all depending on me to find Hannah and Richie I can't just abandon them

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