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My mom called 10 minutes later 

Mom :  Mc your flight is at 8 in the morning I can't wait to see you sweetheart we'll go shopping

Mc : thanks mom I can't wait to see you .

We had a small conversation then hung up  i couldn't help but being worried about Sammy  I couldn't believe they persuaded him to do that now I'm scared he could be in danger I don't know what these people are capable of would they hurt him I guess it wouldn't be bad if I could send him away to a family Island just make him disappear for a while they would probably be tracking him also and me God I don't know what to do I think I'll do that but I won't be staying in my house tonight I have no idea if they're going to show up again  as it is I leave tomorrow at 8:00 so I'll stay at the hotel closest to the airport that will be easier for me so I decided to pack my bag I decided to grab some more clothes I didn't really need much because my mom would force me to buy all the stuff  just as about as I was about to leave my phone went off

Jake:  MC do you have time

MC : yeah Jake of course did you find out about the number

Jake : yes I did but it's a secure number they actually had bot set up to  alert them if anyone was trying to track the number where did you get that number

MC : it's a long story  just leave that number alone don't check it anymore just leave it alone wipe all traces that you have searched for that number okay

Jake : I can listen in to their conversations

MC : no don't do that please don't

Jake : what is going on MC you know you can trust me you can talk to me whatever it is I will find a way to help you

MC :  there's no such thing Jake it's just a random number that I found I came across it's nothing for you to be worried about but I do need to tell you that I'm going to go back home for a few days

Jake : home but aren't you home

Mc : I meant my hometown my mom wants me to spend a couple of days with her so I'm going to go stay there for a while

Jake : and where is that exactly

MC :  I'm not going to tell you Jake please don't make me just know that I'll be safe .

Jake : as long as you're safe that is all I want MC there's something  I need to do I will talk to you later please let me know when you get there safely

MC :  I will bye jake

Jake : I miss you mc I think about you all the time now I really do miss you

MC : I miss you too Jake I have to go now bye

Jake : :)

I started closing up my doors and windows I made sure everything was completely locked I took the the landline phone off the Cradle so even if anyone called it would be engaged I wasn't leaving anything to chance I shut down my computer completely I decided I would leave my laptop at home I could buy a new one just for the sake of security as I got went out the front door I opened the garage got in my car just as I was driving down the street four houses away from mine  there it was the white van I didn't know how to feel I started feeling scared when would they stop it doesn't matter what they do or what they say I will never tell them anything about Jake I couldn't do that to him it didn't matter that I told Jake I didn't want to talk about feelings the truth of the matter is that I loved him somehow I had fallen in love with the crazy hacker  dude someone I've never seen someone I've never met I've never even spoken to him properly all we did was communicate through text message but that's the way it is it really is strange you can love someone without actually meeting them I put it out of my mind and I drove the rest of the way to the hotel I checked in I  had a spare credit card my mom  gave me one in case of emergencies and stuff like that so I used that card and I checked in I got a room I went into my room and I just locked the doors hopefully I get some sleep I don't think they will try to get to me in public like this with so many people around apparently the hotel was having a seminar so I didn't think they would try anything as I went to bed I prayed for some sleep because Lord knows I may need  it .

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