Decision's 2

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Mc : at the hotel i took a quick shower and wrapped up in one of the robes they provided and just threw myself into the bed i have never been this tired  i need to be up at 6 I'll head to the prison at 8 i set my alarm and prayed a silent prayer hoping he was ok I don't know when i fell asleep .


That wasn't the worst night's sleep I've had worse 

Phil : good morning beautiful 

Jake : not now what time is it ?.

He just shrugged his shoulders 

Guard : jake it's pretty early, but you have a visitor ,and she has a special pass . Lets go

Phill : oh are you going to introduce me to mc 

Jake : cut it out aurora 

He was annoying i followed the guard out and walked with him to the visitors room i guess he figured i wasn't the rowdy type seeing as he didn't put me in handcuffs as he led me to a room 

Jake : what are we doing here i thought you said i had a visitor ?

Guard : you do. But apparently you're special to the director you won't be with the rest of the inmates  it was specified you meet your visitors in this room .

Jake : oh ok 

Guard : wait you didn't know huh 

He just opened the door and I walked in he closed the door behind him . All i felt was something crashing into me 

Mc : i missed you 

I held onto her she smelt like she always did , she felt like she always did i kissed her because i needed to.

Jake : i missed you too angel

Mc : I'm sorry I'm here so early but i figured you would need your clothes and other stuff.

Jake : thank you angel , are you here alone ?

Mc : i am mac will be coming later 

Jake : okay

Mc : jake we need to talk 

Jake : hmm that fast , what are you tired of me already?

Mc : please don't say that we have a problem a huge problem in duskwood . First i need to tell you I broke my promise i did go  to Duskwood .

Jake : what i thought i told you not to You promised . When ?

Mc : right before my dad got sick i was there for 1 day . Lilly knew I was there.

Jake : did you meet phil.

Mc : I was at the rainbow caffe and he saw me he didn't know it was me i gave him a random name .

Jake : why are you telling me now ? Would you have told me ?

Mc : yes i was going to tell you . I'm telling you now because Jessy texted me yesterday about the problem and she mentioned he was here and will be released in a couple of days. 

Jake : it's ok angel  he's my cell mate 

Mc : you're joking right ?

Jake : no , i need to ask you something angel what is our relationship ?

Mc : well I'd like to think you're my boyfriend ,and I'm your girlfriend  do i have the right to say that ?

Jake : yes you do angel yes you do .

And for that i was thankful because if she had said anything else i honestly don't know how I would feel.

Jake : now that you have said it you've made it official I'm yours and you're mine . What is the problem .  

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