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I was where I wanted to be with the one person I wanted to be with as we drove to the airfield she held onto me as if I would disappear. I knew how she felt , because I felt the same way too . I was free, no more hiding , no more looking over my shoulder everytime i was out in public , no more sleepless nights. I was finally happy .

Mc : jake did you call her

Jake : Not now Angel, forget about that for now .

Mc : I'm worried about her

Jake : Angel please let that be I'm with you right now and that's all I want I don't want to talk about that .

Mc : okay

Jake : i love you , i missed you so much

Mc : i missed you too , jake

Jake : yes my angel

Mc : now that you've free , you're not going to run off and leave me are you?

Is that  how she really felt ? That I would leave her after everything she did for me. I actually understood it. We were always together secretly because I was wanted but now there are no more secrets .

Jake : trust me angel i won't , i love you too much to leave you , the thought of you being with someone else tears at me inside so no I'm not leaving you.

I should tell her she has never kept anything from me , but how would she feel knowing Hannah feels that way about me ?

Jake : I called her , I wasn't a good angel. She still has this crazy idea that if she wasn't my sister i would love her ,she needs help. I don't understand why her parents and Lilly don't see that .

Mc : oh

That one word and i realized I shouldn't have said anything she started to pull away from me I pulled her back next to me and held onto her

Jake : look at me

She wouldn't look at me

Jake : Angel look at me

When she finally did there were tears in her eyes , what the hell have i done?

Jake : no ok no even if she wasn't my sister and i hadn't met you i would never feel that way about her you have to trust me I'm with you because i want to be with you , i love you, the minute i texted you i knew i would love you because you made me think twice before doing something ,at one time i was more interested in protecting you over everyone else , even finding Hannah. That's how much you mean to me.

She didn't answer as we pulled into the airfield and we got out mac just looked at me , she let go of my hand and tried to walk away i wasn't having that if i needed to show her i loved her and no one else i would . i pulled her back to me and took her hand we walked up the few steps into the jet she just sat there quietly not saying anything or even looking at me .

After we were in the air I got up and took her hand. I knew there was a room on the jet because I slept there when she took me to the island. I opened the door and walked in still not letting go of her hands. She still wouldn't look at me after I locked the door. I just stood there looking at her.
She was hurting all because of what i said

Jake : I knew it would hurt you to hear that but I told you because I won't ever keep anything from you.

She raised her head and looked at me. I needed to be close to her in the worst way possible so I kissed her. I needed her to know how much I loved her . She kissed me back with the same passion that was how i knew we would be ok but i was starting to get tempted so i pulled away and rested my head to hers

Jake : That was in case you thought I forgot to kiss you .I love you Angel I'll always love you .

Mc : i love you too

Thank god she answered because if she remained silent i didn't  think it would be ok , I needed to get her out of this damn room. It was so tempting the bed was right there.

Jake : let's go back outside angel

Mc : Why ? The bed's right there

Jake : please for my sake , for my sanity angel .

Mc : No

Jake : Of all the times you choose to be stubborn you choose now , not happening angel mac is outside .

Mc : So we're adults .

She wasn't backing down. She means it. I could see it .Her eyes had a mischievous glint in them.

Jake : please angel

Mc : so I guess I'll have to take matters into my own hands

And just like that she took her top off , what the hell i started walking to the door but she blocked me.

Mc : you're not going anywhere

Jake : you're not making this easy for me, love, there's only so much I can tolerate.

Mc : then stop fighting it ,please Jake do i have to beg my boyfriend to make love to me.

She sounded like she was about to cry, well shit soi did the only thing I could do i hugged her

Jake : you don't , I'm sorry for making you feel that way.

She was facing the closest mirror. When I looked up I saw her reflection. She was smiling. She was sneaky. She knew I wouldn't deny her if she cried .

Jake : Angel

Mc : hmm

Jake : I can see you smiling

Mc : shit

Jake : Put your shirt back on and let's go outside.

Mc : why won't you ?

Jake : Because I want to make your first time special not here ,not like this trust me please Angel .

Mc : okay

That was too easy. Mac was right when she wanted something she meant to get it. I needed to be careful with her . She fixed her top and we walked back outside mac just looked at us and smiled i just shook my head

Jake : where exactly are we going?

Mc : to my parents house ,i know you'll have to work but a week away to relax would be good for you .

Jake : ok

She curled up next to me. I hugged her. I needed to figure out what to do about Hannah ,I don't want Angel to feel that way again , how do I keep her away from that .I just stared out the window . I needed to go to Duskwood. I couldn't take her there because I had no idea what would happen.

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