Hurt 2

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Why why why would she say that i loved him i didn't want anything to happen to him i couldn't help it I started crying uncontrollably i know she means well but doesn't she know her words hurt i may be strong , independent and smart but I have a soft heart i could literally feel my heart breaking at the same time my parents came into the room

Mom : omg mc what's wrong

I couldn't say anything i just couldn't i was hurting so bad and i couldn't tell my own mother

Dad : she needs rest love when She's ready she'll talk to us come on my jellybean here i brought your burger

I couldn't eat i had lost my appetite but if i didn't eat it they would get worried so i stopped long enough to eat the burger.

Dad : mc look at me you're here with us , you're safe , you can talk to us about anything we know you we raised a smart , strong ,brave and independent young woman . You don't have to always face everything alone okay.

Mc : i know dad it's just i remembered Sammy

Mom : I'm sorry sweetheart ...... ......
I think its time you settled down get married start a family

Mc : i am not getting married and thats the end of it I don't want to hear about it ever again i have never disappointed you , I've always done what you want me to i have never disobeyed you but i will not get married.

Dad : sweetheart let her be

Mom : but

Dad : i said let it be

They stayed for a short while and after making sure I had everything that I needed they left I just lay there in that bed unable to process everything Lily wanted me to stay away from Jake deep in my heart I know I couldn't even if I tried now my mom was wanted to force me to get married probably to some stuck up rich boy I didn't want that I don't want that that is why I left home the doctor came in.

Doc : How are you feeling

MC : I'm okay

Doc : it's time for your medication

MC : sure.

Doc : What's the matter you're not putting up a fight you don't seem like yourself

MC : I just have a lot on my mind

Doc : okay I'll leave you soon so you can get some rest please remember not to tease the nurse

MC : sure I won't

after that he gave me my medication and he left but it wasn't such a strong lose I was still aware of everything I just laid there and cried silently I don't know how long it was but the nurse came it was close to noon it was time for lunch but I wasn't up to eating anything

nurse : what's the matter no teasing today

I didn't answer I just couldn't they brought food for me but I didn't want any I've never had a heartbreak before but I'm pretty this is what it felt like couldn't eat couldn't sleep I stayed like that the entire day in the evening when the doctor came back to give me my medication he just looked at me

Doc : what's the matter MC you're not your usual self

MC : you can say that again.

Doc : Okay well let me check you up and you'll get your medication hopefully you get some sleep tonight

MC : I hope I can too

but even after the medication I couldn't sleep there was just too much going on in my head I stayed like that for 2 days just ignoring everyone and everything around me I barely ate all I did was got up and used the washroom took a shower and that was it and my parents came I barely spoke to them I started to pull away no one knew my new number so no one texted but Lily knew it and she didn't even text me I didn't know where Jake was if he got caught or what happened to him when my parents came I didn't say anything

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