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I could do this four months only four months then i could be with her it was going to be a long 3 hours car ride the director and another agent decided to take me themselves . As i walked out and into the car i could feel her looking at me but i didn't turn around i couldn't i didn't want to see her cry so i got in the car and just sat there they got and and we started our long drive .

Director : jake is there any family members that you would like us to inform of this situation.

Jake : No, she will take care of it.

Director : very well then I'm sorry about this situation , you don't seem as bad as most hacker's do cedar isn't a violent facility so you don't have to worry about anything .

Jake : ok 

Director : I'll give you my card after serving your time if you do decide you want to work with us let me know .

Jake : i will thank you.

That was the end of the conversation but the silence was killing me . I need one of my hoodie she had both of them. 


I missed him already 

Mc : Dad I'll give you a list of things that I'll need mac to bring for me.

Dad : sure , i would feel a bit better if mac stayed with you .

Mc : if  that's what you want

Dad : I do you'll be far away from home 

Mc : ok 

My phone started buzzing Lilly 

Mc : hey Lilly 

Lilly : i need to speak to my brother.

Mc  : he's not with me 

Lilly : don't lie to me i want to speak to him now 

Mc : Lilly he really isn't with me

Lilly : fine be that way 

What on earth is wrong with her i get she is worried but i promised him i wouldn't say anything i already broke my promise to him about not going to Duskwood i would break another promise to him . I would need to tell him i was in duskwood I wonder how he's going to react to that now Jessy was texting.

Jessy : mc it's bad really bad 

Mc : what do you mean

Jessy : so  we're all together at the hospital with Hannah and richy Cleo , dan and Thomas lilly is here too . Hannah is being weird but before that i tell you  , answer this question . Are you and hake in a relationship ?.

Mc : well yes kinda , why ?

Jessy : oh man Thomas is losing it Hannah just told Thomas that she doesn't like him and doesn't want to be with him , she loves jake and jake love her .

Mc : oh shit. 

Wtf Lilly didn't tell her as a matter of fact she didn't tell any of them what eas i going to do now .

Mc : Jessy listen to me , jake is away he's not with me right now . Jake doesn't feel that way about Hannah i need you to tell Thomas that . There is a something jake , Lilly and i know and i think you all need to know it too .

Jessy : what do you mean 

Mc : i need to talk to jake i need to know if he will be okay with all if you knowing .

Jessy : ok please get back to me soon Thomas is so angry and hurt he left with tears in his eyes .

Mc : I'm so sorry please try to keep everyone calm until tomorrow ok as soon as I've talked to Jake I'll let you know 

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