chapter 19

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Why couldn't i let this go , he was right here with me we were headed to my island . i just can't shake this feeling it felt so real to me i couldn't think straight he wanted to take me away i was okay with that but when we got home and i saw grace there when she started talking i saw it in her eyes too that same thing i saw in Hannah that obsession  she had it too but Jake just spoke rudely to her he needed to be careful  i tried to block out some of the things happening around me because it was too much for me . Now we were on the jet headed to the island .
Mc " I'm going to take a nap my head hurts "
I wanted to close my eyes for a bit. Jake was right. I needed to stop  thinking about everything  and focus on Jake and our baby .
Jake " okay love  I'll do some work in the meantime "
He walked me to the room then tucked me in and kissed me
Jake " Do you want something to eat angel ?"
Mc " no I'm fine iym feeling a bit nauseous "
Jake " okay let me know if you want something I'll check on you in half an hour okay "
I just nodded and closed my eyes. I needed some sleep .


I left her sleeping and headed back outside and opened my laptop. She lost her spark before everytime i looked at her she would always smile. Now she hardly smiles at all and she has that worried look on her face. I intend to get her back to herself. I can only hope grace doesn't become another problem. It would be better if I had her phone and computer under surveillance . I was so i grossed in my work that i didn't hear when one of the pilots came out  only when he tapped  me on my shoulder i realized he was there
Pilot " we'll be landing on the island in twenty minutes sir "
Jake " that was fast "
Pilot " not really sir it takes almost three hours to get to the island "
Jake " ok thank you "
Shit she's been asleep for three hours. I was supposed to check on her. That's what happens when I get too invested. But It's what I love to do . I closed my laptop and put away everything and  went to the room  i sat on the bed next to her
Jake " Time to wake up Angel "
Mc " hmm no "
She sounded like herself
Jake " we're almost at the island love or should i wake you up my way ?"
Mc " your way "
Even though she answered me it was a sleepy reply so i got onto the bed with her
Jake " Are you sure angel ?"
Mc " hmmm yes "
She went back to sleep i don't think she was aware of what she was saying so i started raising her shirt up i guess she felt it because her eyes opened instantly
Mc " what are you up to "
Jake " Well I told you to wake up you wouldn't so you said yes i could wake you up my way ?"
Mc " and what is your way ?"
Jake " my way would be getting you naked teasing you  make you crazy with need until you forget how to speak.  probably leave some love bites all over you and make love to you until you forget everything or We're both unable to walk "
I saw the hitch in her breath i never usually spoke to her like that and i could see it was getting to her so i leaned over her and bent my head to her ears
Jake "  you'll be screaming tonight angel but no one is going to hear you i want you in the worst possible way you can Imagine maybe I'll tie you to the bed make you tell me exactly what you want "
Just then there was a knock on the door I got up and opened it
Pilot " we're about to land it will be a bit rough "
Jake " okay "
I turned around and looked at her,her eyes were glazed she was thinking about what i just told her i could tell from the way her breath was hitching i walked back over to her i needed her but we were about to land i could wait  i lifted her shit over her head and in one move her bra was off i couldn't wait i kissed her neck all the way down to her breast
Jake " Are they getting bigger ?"
I didn't give her a chance to reply "
Just then i felt the jet land i cursed under my breath
Jake " let's go angel why don't you head in I'll bring the bags in "
She was confused as hell i could see it on her  face the want was there so was the need and lust i just smiled
Mc " Fine "
She pulled her shirt back on and walked out she was mad all i could do was laugh she forgot about her latest fear for a short while i got all our bags  and dropped them in the hall after i checked to make sure everything was working fine they left we were finally alone so i locked the front door and walked up stairs .
Jake " where are you angel  I'm coming for you "
No answer. I wasn't scared. I had a line on her the bracelet i got her  had a tracker in it  I could find her anywhere in the world . I know it was wrong but she needed that shit her father was the one who got me InTouch with the person who does it besides that bracelet can't ever come off i have the only key to it . I opened my phone and saw she was downstairs in the kitchen so i headed there but before i got there i could see she was moving
Jake " So you want to play hide and seek love ? What do I get if I find you?"
I received a message on my phone
Mc " anything you want and if you lose then what do i get ? "
Jake " if i win i want you in our bed naked but  if i lose I'll do anything you want expect one thing "
Mc " Sounds fair come find me "
I heard her laughing
Jake " Angel don't run , I'll find you but no running "
Mc " okay"
It took me all of Twenty minutes to figure out where she was .she went to the panic room i saw her on the phone but i was standing right Infront of her but couldn't find the entrance so i texted her
Jake " Well I didn't find you anywhere so I'm guessing you're in the panic room ?"
Mc " yes how ?"
Jake " you told me there is a Panic room so i figured that's where you would hide because i don't know exactly where it is "
Mc " damnit you win ".
Jake " come on out love "
A few minutes later i saw her walk out of the room
Jake " lets go ".
Mc " go where ?"
Jake " I need  to feed you before ".
Mc " before what ?"
She was messing with me and her scent was driving me nuts i braced her against the wall
Jake " before i fuck you senseless "
My thumb grazed the side of her breast and she grabbed my free arm as she shuddered. What the fuck?
Jake “ Angel ”
I whispered, pressing her back against the wall and my chest was inches away from touching hers , her eyelids looked heavy as she stared at my chest. Her breathing was heavy. Something was off here.I put my other hand on her waist and slowly slid it up her body until my other thumb was tucked under her breast. I knew she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples were hard and poking against the thin material of her shirt . I couldn’t stop myself. I eased my hand up and covered her right breast squeezing it gently.She  whimpered and her knees started to give out. She let her head fall back on the wall and closed her eyes. I held her steady and slipped my leg between hers to keep her from sinking to the ground. With my other hand, I covered her left breast and ran the pads of my thumbs over her firm nipples.
Mc “Oh God, Jake ,”
she moaned, opening her eyes and staring at me . Holy fuck. What was happening here ?
Jake “Does that feel good, angel?”
i whispered in her ear.
Mc “Yes,”
she breathed, sinking down further onto my knee. When her warm
center pressed against my leg she gasped and gripped my arms harder. Mc “Ahhhh,”
I’d never been this turned on in my life.Something was different. This wasn’t the same. She was almost desperate. I could sense her fear but her need was stronger.
Jake " Tell me what you want, angel ?
Mc " i want you jake "
Just then i heard a phone ringing I couldn't give a shit about the phone now not when she was like this i lifted her with her legs wrapped around my waist i took her back into the room and got her onto the bed i pulled her shirt and jeans off
Jake “Damn, love They look bigger,” as my  hands covered them. A needy sound came out of her  mouth but I wasn’t sure what it was.Next thing i know her mouth covered mine and my hands went right back to her breasts. I wasn’t going to be able to stop this. I wanted it like I wanted my next breath. I had never needed sex of any kind before but this was something I
couldn’t control. Her  kiss was wild and as out of control hungry as I felt. She bit down on my bottom lip and pulled my tongue into her mouth


Why was I feeling this way? It had to be the had to be hormones I was lost  in a sea of need every time I was next to him. I wanted him when his mouth came down on my nipples I lost it. I needed his shirt off now. Grabbing at it I yanked until he pulled back a fraction and jerked it over his head. Then he was devouring my mouth again.His hands were doing delicious things to my breasts and I couldn’t get him close enough.he pulled me up against his chest until my breasts were pressed against him. I shuddered and closed my eyes from the pleasure he was kissing a trail down my neck and across my collarbone until his mouth hovered over my right nipple.
The heat from his breath made me tremble and I grabbed his hair and forced his head closer with my silent plea. He chuckled, then pulled my nipple into his mouth and began to suck. The wetness in my legs caught on fire or at least it felt like it did. If he hadn’t been holding me down with his body I might have shot
through the ceiling.
Mc “Oh God!” I screamed, not caring I needed this. My reaction made Jake greedier. He moved to my other nipple and began giving it the same treatment as his hand moved up the inside of my thigh. 
Jake “Fuck. You’re perfect,” he groaned and buried his head in my neck. His breathing was hard and erratic.
Jake “So perfect.” His fingers slipped inside my swollen folds causing fireworks to ignite in my body.
I grabbed onto his shoulders. My nails were digging into his skin but I
couldn’t help it. He was touching me. His mouth moved to my ear as he kissed me and his heavy breathing tickled my skin.
Jake  “mine you'll always be mine angel "
His naughty words as his finger slid in and out of me sent me close to the edge again.
Mc “Jake , please,” I begged, clawing at him.
Jake “Oh god, jake  please "
Jake “Mine. You're  mine. You can’t leave me ever . I need this, I need you You smell so fucking perfect. Nothing is ever going to be this damn perfect for me,”
Jake “I need to be in you,” he said, lifting his eyes to look up at me. I just nodded.
Jake “Fuck,” he moaned as he filled me up  I was full. Completely full of him.  I didn't know what it was anymore. Now that he was in me I felt home. I honestly don't know what came over me and i guess it confused him also when  I lifted my head and whispered in his ear
Mc “Fuck me.”
It was as if I’d pulled the trigger on a loaded gun. Jake  grabbed my hips with both his hands and let out a growl before pumping in and out of me. The climb toward the spiral I knew was going to come started up again and I rode him. Enjoying his moment of surrender and the complete abandon on his face as he brought us closer and closer to the climax we needed.
Jake “I love you, mc . I love you so damn much it hurts,”
he panted then lowered his head to suck on my nipple. My body went off and I cried out his name. Jake lifted his head, and looking into my eyes, started to pull out and I clamped my legs around his waist. I didn’t want him to pull out. The understanding of what I wanted hit him and he said my name in a whisper .

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