Breaking point

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We sat there looking at something we couldn't believe he had pictures of everyone he has been following them for a long time

Jake : call the police lilly

Mc : i hope this is the end

Jake : i hope so too

Mc : Lilly if Alan asked how we found this tell him the hacker found it

Lilly : are you sure

Mc : yes

I hope this goes as I'm planning it

Jake : what are you doing angel

Mc : Do you trust me ?

Jake : of course i do

Mc : then trust me with this i need the information that you found when you hacked the government computer

Jake : no i won't its too dangerous

Mc : please trust me it's for your freedom please

Jake : ok

I needed to call my Dad i need his lawyer when jake showed me the information i couldn't say i was surprised it was the same idiot that kidnapped me he was into a whole string of illegal activities so i would take it to the top . 
I called my dad and told him everything . He told me to give him 24 hours. That would have to do this needs to work  after 6 hours one single message made everything easier.

Lilly : we found them

Jake : richy is he alive and Hannah

Lilly : yes richy is in a bad way but he's going to live Hannah seems ok but she keeps asking for you.

Jake : i can't be there mc is working on something for me to get me out of everything.

Lilly : can you really trust her with that

Jake : yes i can , please don't ask me that again.

Lilly : ok I'm going  to the hospital with Hannah and richy I'll let you know how it goes

Jake : ok

It was going to be a long night after dinner I told her I wanted to take a walk on the beach

Jake "what do you think is going to happen

MC: I don't know but I hope it's good we've already found them and the only thing that remains now is your freedom 

Jake: I just hope this works angel and after that we can be together

MC :me too

We sat on that Beach for what seems like forever I just hope this all went according to her plans while we sat there we talked about everything and she fell asleep I was getting late I needed some sleep also I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow

I woke up to my phone ringing what was it could be this be a problem now when did I fall asleep how did I get to bed oh crap it was my dad I wonder how it went

MC: morning Dad what is the verdict dad :well the best thing I could get him was he has to turn himself in with the information spend 6 months in jail and for that he has to promise not to do anymore hacking and that's about it he has his freedom it's either that or you send them to jail for the rest of his life or he keeps hiding
MC :okay thanks Dad I'll talk to him I'll let you know
Dad : but in order for him to accept it  the offer stands until 6:00 this evening so he needs to make a decision and a decision fast
MC :okay thanks Dad I'll let you know as soon as possible bye
dad :be careful sweetheart

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