chapter 7

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She pulled away from me and made a dash for the bathroom what the hell why was she throwing up so much i followed her just as she was coming out of the bathroom
Jake " are you okay ?"
Mc " I don't know my stomach feels upset i feel nauseous "
I lifted her up and put her on the bed
Jake " stay here I'll be back "
She just nodded her head i walked out and headed for her father's office i knocked and walked in
Mrs Mc " Is everything ok ?"
Jake " Did you call the doctor yet ?"
Mrs mc " yes he'll be here shortly what's the matter ?"
Jake " she keeps throwing up "
She just looked at me and smiled
Jake " i think i know what is wrong with her but we need the doctor to be sure"
Just then Gerald came into the office
Gerald " madam the doctor is here "
Mrs mc " thank you Gerald jake why don't you take the doctor to her "
I just nodded and walked out she was still smiling , what was going on . I told the doctor to follow me we went up she was still in bed
Jake " Angel come on the doctor is here "
She sat up in the bed
Doctor " How are you mc ?"
Mc " I'm fine doc "
Jake " she's not she keeps throwing up"
Doctor " ahh i see first let me check your bruise and your cast jake can you please get your mother-in-law "
Jake " Sure " just as i opened the door her was about to knock
Jake " he asked for you " she was still smiling
Mrs mc " i figured he would have you told anyone she has returned ? "
Jake " just Jessica she will tell the others why "
Mrs mc " i think it would be best if you told everyone she left let people keep believing that you're no longer together less problems "
Jake " i think you may be right I'll do that right now "
Mrs mc " okay I'll go see what' the matter "
I walked into my office and grabbed my phone she was right if Hannah believed we were no longer together she would focus on me and not angel i called Jessica
Jessica " hey Jake is something wrong? "
Jake " Did you tell the others that I found her ?"
Jessica " not as yet just Richy I've been busy  is something wrong ?"
Jake " I want you to spread the rumour that we are no longer together ,she left me. Can you do that ?"
Jessica " does this have to do with keeping her safe ?"
Jake " yes "
Jessica " okay I'll let the others know right away "
Just then her mother walked into the office i hung up the phone and looked at her she was still smiling
Jake " Is she okay ?"
Mrs mc " she's fine she needs to go to the hospital tomorrow to get the cast off and then the clinic"
Jake " clinic what's wrong ?"
Then it started to sink in the throwing up feeling nauseous
Jake " She's pregnant isn't she ?"
Mrs mc " yes but just us no one not even friends should know Or the house help "
Jake " let Mac know he's worried about her "
Mrs mc " i will and thank you "
Jake " for what ?"
Mrs mc " bringing our daughter back to us , for wanting to stay here , i need to talk to my husband the doctor is gone "
Jake " thanks I'll go see her now "
She just smiled and nodded and left i walked into the room she was just laying there staring at the ceiling she didn't even see me i got onto the bed with her and hugged her
Mc " what are we doing ?"
Jake " meaning "
Mc " are you ready to become a parent? Am I ? 
Jake " whether we have a child or not if it's now or a year from now I'll still want it . You know why ?
Mc " why ? "
Jake " because it's with you , I don't want to think about someone else just you . I'm happy angel i really am "
Mc " you are ?"
Jake " why wouldn't i be , i have the love of my life ,my best friend we'll be having a child together . A little girl like you or a boy like me so I'm happy "
Mc " I thought you would be angry ?"
Jake " Never angel i love you i want you to be careful no one knows and they won't "
I told her everything Lilly's call richys accident and the rumour that we're no longer together she wasn't shocked she was understanding we just laid there holding each other
Mc " i need to visit the doctor tomorrow"
Jake " you will but mac will go with you no one is to see you and you're not to talk to anyone it's for your own safety"
Mc " okay i trust you I'm hungry i want pizza"
Jake " fine I'll order for you " as i was getting off the bed she pulled me back
Jake " I thought you were hungry ?"
Mc " i am but i want to be next to you for a while "
Jake " wait I'll get my phone and be back " i got up and got my phone i called Mac and asked him to order a pizza for her after i hung up i went back into the room and got back into bed with her
Mc " Don't you have work to do ?"
Jake " you're more importantly besides after you left i did most of it "
Mc " that was fast ..jake what about Hannah what if she tries to hurt you ? "
Jake " I'll deal with it when the time comes angel "
I just kept looking at her face she was smiling she started getting up
Jake " What's wrong ?"
Mc " nothing babe i need a shower i feel sweaty "
Jake " hmm that's something i can help with "
Mc " no thanks we both know how that will end "
Jake " Is that bad for me wanting to have you all the time ?"
Mc " no it's not besides food will be here soon "
Just then there was a knock at the door i walked out to the front door and opened it her mother was there
Mrs mc " i forgot to tell you earlier she needs to be careful because of the first incident she needs to stay one place after the first month then she'll walk around. We can't take any chances don't let her walk on the tiles barefoot before she slipsI'm going out to get some stuff "
Jake " okay thank you "
After she left just as I walked back into the room she almost fell over because of the cast I barely caught her in time.
Jake " christ angel don't move i need you to stay one place "
Mc " stop treating me like a baby "
Jake " Angel what Hannah did It left you weak ,you can't strain yourself. if you push yourself too much you could have another miscarriage that is something i can't have happen so I'll treat you as a baby as long as i have to  "
Mc " okay "
I lifted her and took her into the bathroom and set the tub to full. When I turned around she was taking off her clothes. I couldn't help but stare .
Mc " like what you see ?"
Jake " always angel "
I started taking off my shirt
Mc " what are you doing ?"
Jake " taking a bath too "
She started laughing and wouldn't stop.

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