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She was  walking back from the Caffe and van came out of nowhere and hit her , i think we were all stunned I know I was and then the panic and fear started setting in i ran over to her she was lying motionless blood was coming out from her head

Jake : Do something call a fucking ambulance do something .

I think I blocked out everything. One thing after the other mac was on the phone calling her parents i saw a police car pull up  then an ambulance  i was not leaving her side one of the paramedics said something to me but i was too gone to even understand anything

Richy : Well be right behind you .

What the fuck was taking them so long to get to the hospital i kept holding onto her hands she still hasn't moved when we got to the hospital they blocked me out i was going out of my fucking mind i was pacing up and down i saw mac , Jessica and the others walk in phil too .

Phil : How is she ?

Jake : I don't know they won't fucking let me in ?

Cleo : Clam down or they'll kick you out .

Jake : I don't care

Mac : Jake, relax her parents are on the way , you should know Hannah was driving that van.

Jake : find her and hand her over to the police I'm done with them

Shit shit shit everything was going wrong a few hours later a doctor came out of a room nearby

Doctor : who is here with the patient that was brought in .

Jake : i am my fiancee how is she ?

Doctor : lets go you can see her first then the others at visiting time .

I followed him into the room. I didn't expect that I  stopped short. I think I stopped breathing. Angel was laying in a coma. She had a broken leg, dislocated shoulder ,fractured wrist and scrapes and bruises.

doctor :  she was lucky not to have sustained more serious injuries. Uh, you say you're her fiancé ?

Jake : I am.

I watched her face as I listened to him, she had a bruise on her temple that was already darkening, other than that her face was untouched. Her leg was in a cast, her wrist bandaged. She looked so defenseless lying there. I kept my eyes on her face, willing her to wake up and smile at me.

I focused  back on to the doc when he started asking me questions that had to do with our relationship

Doctor : How long have you two been engaged?

Jake : A little more than a week; why?

Doctor : it's just that she's very early in her pregnancy...

I  fell back as his words pummeled me. Pregnant,I hadn't even thought..just then her parents walked into the room and Heard the end of that conversation i couldn't say anything.I went to her side, tears blinding me as I checked her over.

Jake : Is the baby safe?

Doctor :For now it looks that way, sometimes it happens like this ,since he or she is only a few days we'll monitor but it looks good.

Mr mc : Are you sure she's pregnant, I mean how can you tell you just said she's only a few days, doesn't she need to be weeks or months at least?"

Doctor : No, we've made progress there in the last few years, we're now able to tell in less than a week after the fact in some cases.

Her father left with the doctor. We waited until he left the room. I took a  seat in the chair next to her With my hand on her flat stomach .

Jake : please wake up angel

Mrs mc : jake she'll be okay i know it looks bad but she'll wake up , why don't you tell the others .

Jake : no I'm not leaving her

Mrs mc : ok I'll let them know

Jake : Don't tell them about the baby . Tell them not to tell dan.

Mrs mc : I won't .ok i will

I removed my hand from her stomach Everyone started coming in one by one

Jessy : Oh my god is she ok ?

I told them what the doctor told me except the pregnant bit

Phil : ah shit I'm sorry dude .

Thomas : Is she awake ?

Jake : No she's not, they don't know when she's going to wake up .

Richy : You do know who did this don't you ?

Jake : I suspected it was her Mac's out there looking for her. Please don't mention any of this to Dan .

After 2 hours and she still didn't wake up I told them they could leave if there were any changes I'd let them know after they left her father walked in .

Mr mc : She's going to be in a lot of pain , they can't give her medication because of the baby .

Jake : I know and I'm sorry that it was my half sister that put her Here.

Mr mc : from what i was told she doesn't seem to be stable as long as my daughter is ok . Now the news of the baby is bad or good ?

Jake :  It's good for me but I don't know how she will react .

Mr mc : we'll deal with it when the time comes , why don't you let her rest and come back to the hotel ?

Jake : I'm not leaving her alone , not as long as Hannah is still out there.

Mr mc : ok let me know when she's awake ok .

Jake : I will .

How do I do this ? Will she be happy about the baby ? Will Mac find Hannah? Will this ever be over  just then the door was pushed open and I saw my father walk in. I got so angry in that second I didn't care anymore .

Jake : get the fuck out

Mr Donfort : I'm really sorry but Hannah... …..

Jake : Look at her ! look at  what she did she could have died all you care about is your damn crazy daughter you better find her before i do now get the hell out .

I'm guessing he was shocked because he walked out .What the hell do I do now? I'm left with so many questions , and no answers. I needed to take her far away from here . Hannah needs to be locked up in prison or a good mental Asylum she was going crazy now . I kept holding onto her hands. I couldn't leave her .

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