The Island

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It's been 5 days we've been here for 5 days and in that time no one came and I've been in the guest house all the while I was scared to go outside she would see me every night she would sleep with me and before the sun came up she would leave all because I didn't want her to see my face I love her I really do love her and if she could do all of this for me at least I could do is let her see what I look like as I sit here in this guest house I tried to put everything into place I know everything about her she's risking everything she could go to jail what would her parents think she's risking everything for someone she barely knows all she knows is my name that I wanted by the government and I'm Hannah and Lilly's half brother that's all she knows about me just then I heard a knock at the door I walked to the door

Mac : it's me open up

so I opened the door for him

Jake : is something wrong

Mac : no everything is fine she just wanted me to let you know that you don't have to stay in here if you walk inland to the of middle of the island there's actually a swimming place it was formed by a small waterfall that's where she usually goes to swim she said you can go there you don't need to stay inside all you need to do is let her know and she'll keep to the beach she won't go anywhere near there

and that is when I decided if I'm going to be here with her  I might as well spend every single minute I have with her because very soon we have to get back to the real world reality is going to come knocking we can't stay here forever I might as well make the best of it while I'm here with her

Jake : I'm going to go there now tell her to meet me there in 15 minutes

mac : are you sure

Jake :  I've never been more sure about anything she has done so much for me she barely knows anything about me she's risking a lot just by having me here that's the least I can do for her I was just thinking that to myself soon we have to get back to the real world I might as well spend every single minute I have with her enjoy it right

Mac :   I was waiting for you to get to that  I thought I would have had to hit it into your head because you can't hide forever you have to get back to the real world

Jake : I know just tell her to meet me there in 15 minutes okay

I will I true on My  clothes for Mac had gotten for me I don't know where he got it from I wore one of the jeans and a black T-shirt the t-shirts were kind of small and I grabbed the towel I started walking going inland damn this place really was an island there were tall trees blocking both sides of the beach you couldn't see anything it really was quiet here it really was nice it felt peaceful it was  the first time in I don't know how long that I've been out in the open like this without having to look over my look over my shoulder every 2 minutes as I walked about 15 minutes I then I reached the place Mac talked about it was a small waterfall but the pool it started small but eventually over time it got big I dropped my towel on one of the rocks and walked to the other side I didn't want her to see me as yet I just walked around looking and I sensed her but I was behind the tree she didn't see me I saw her walking up the pathway she had on one of these cut off shirts and one of these very thin shirts she looks so beautiful I just hope I can make her happy hope that I get the chance to be with her after all this she walked up and she saw the towel she was looking for me

MC : where are you you told me to come here where are you

Jake :  keep your eyes closed angel face the water

she did just as I asked anytime I asked her to keep her eye closed she did I walked up behind her I stood behind her and put my arms around her

Jake :; I love you angel I want you to know that

MC : I love you too why wouldn't I know that

Jake : do you know why I call you Angel

MC :  no but I guess you're going to tell me

I started laughing only she could make me laugh

MC : wow I didn't think you knew how to laugh

Jake :  very funny I call you Angel because you're my angel you're my savior

MC :  Jake no don't say that

Jake : but it is true you're my savior you give me hope you make me feel like everything is going to be all right just thinking about you makes me want to forget everything and run just hide take you away but I realized something today very soon we have to get back to the real world I had already told you we could run away but eventually the real world would catch up to us you've done so much for me and you would do anything for me this is the least I could do for you turn around angel  she turned around facing me but her eyes were still closed

Jake :  look at me angel

she started shaking her head god what have I done I've made her feel like she couldn't even look at me

Jake : angel open your eyes and look at me I want you to


Mac told  he said Jake was going to the swimming pool he wanted me to meet him there in 15 minutes what was this all about what was Jake doing   I had on my swimsuit so I grabbed my shorts and my shirt and put it on and I started walking I told him where I was going as I walked the 10 minutes up to the waterfall I saw his towel but he wasn't there where was he so I spoke that loud

Mc : you called me here where are you

I heard him

Jake : face the water angel

so I did what he asked and I kept my eyes closed he came behind me and he told me how he felt and that went straight to my heart because I would do anything for him in a heartbeat when he told me to turn around I thought I would have a heart attack what was he doing so I did what he asked but when he said open my eyes I couldn't for some reason I just didn't want to he forced me to  open my eyes when I did I think I forgot how to breathe I can admit I was left staring at him and I couldn't help thinking to myself did Jake exercise ? does he lift weights ? I couldn't even begin to think properly I think my mouth was left open that is how shocked I was his face was smooth and his eyes they were a very light hazel brown his hair was a bit longer than it should be but he was perfect I think I started to drool was he talking to me I don't know if he was was talking to me I just I was shocked

Jake : you like what you see Angel

I just grabbed on to him , to know that he would let me see him meant everything to me

MC : you don't know how much this means to me

Jake : I know I intend  to spend every minute with you because I may not have the chance ever again

MC :  no don't say that please don't say that let's just forget everything for a while just be here with me he nodded his head

I told him let's take a swim we swam for about an hour after our swim we headed back to the main house hand in hand this felt right this was all I wanted even if it was for a short time

Jake : you do know we have to get back to the real world angel

MC : just one more week please

Jake : okay one more week in the  meantime we need to contact Jesse and the others tonight and find out what they find

MC : okay we'll do that tomorrow I promise I need to be alone with you please until tomorrow

he stopped right there and turned me to face him and he looked in my eyes

Jake :  if there is one thing I would ever want to do is be with you or very specifically right here with you only if I can make this moment last for the rest of my life I would I know it's going to be one of the best moments of my life

MC : it will be for me too

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