chapter 16

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I had Mac bring over my laptop and files from my office I called Gerald to make sure everyone was fine he assured me that he would take care of them for me just then a nurse brought in another bed with blankets and pillows her doctor also walked in
Doctor " I'm just here to check her vitals if they are normal then we'll let her wake up naturally when she's ready "
Jake " okay and thank you "
Doctor " it's my job she'll be okay "
After they did what they needed to do, Mac walked in with Phil .
Jake " Is something wrong ?"
Mac " No you need to get your hand looked at and take a shower i brought some clothes for you "
Jake " i really don't want to leave her mac "
Mac " I'll sit with  her "
Phil " come on let's go get your hand looked at "
I left mac  to watch her and followed phil out we found the doctor just as he was finishing up with another patient he saw me a looked worried
Doctor " is something wrong ?"
Phil " no he needs to check his hand where he got shot "
The doctor led us into a room and he made me take off the shirt i was wearing he started cleaning the wound
Doctor " well I don't see any entry or exit wounds so I'm saying the bullet just grazed you , you're very lucky "
I just looked at him and then Phil she didn't even shoot me properly after he  put a bandage on it and we left i realized how tired i was
Phil " you look like shit , have you even eaten ? "
Jake " i know and nope no time "
Phil " come on there's a cafeteria somewhere around here let's get some food in you "
He was being helpful more than usual
Jake " why are you acting so nice ?"
Phil " you know when you were in prison and i was with her at that apartment i once asked her why she chose you ? "
Jake " what did she say ?"
Phil " she said she didn't it was  you who chose her and now i understand it better i know people who are in love but your reaction and her reaction if something happens to either of you makes me wonder and i just hope the two of you have a chance at a happy life "
I was shocked Phil never really spoke much especially about mine an angel's relationship so this was a lot to take in.
Phil " she would be Lost if that were you laying there so do everyone a favour and let's go eat "
I just nodded because what could i say he was right she would be lost just as i am I don't remember what i ate all i know was he placed a sandwich or something in front of me i ate it without tasting it my mind was on her .
Jake " you know you don't need to babysit me phil "
Phil " I'm not babysitting you besides I'm worried Hannah comes back "
He deserved to know the truth so i told him everything mac told me
Phil " So she's gone for good ?"
Jake " yes "
Phil " then I'll head back to the house and let the others know "
Jake " sure as long as no one mentions to Hannah that i am still alive"
Phil " okay but what about Lilly ?"
Jake " I'll tell her myself "
After we got back to the room i  just felt drained
Jake " Is she okay ?"
Mac " she's still asleep why don't you take a shower "
Jake " okay "
Phil " I'm going to leave now be careful and let us know how she's doing "
After he left i grabbed the bag and walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower and changed into the clothes Mac brought  me. I got into the bed next to her and pulled out my laptop and files. I might as well get some work done. I know I won't be able to sleep .
Mac " you've been working for 3 hours Jake get some sleep "
When I looked at the time it was almost 2 in the morning he was right but I was scared to close my eyes .
Jake " i can't mac "
Mac" go ahead and get some rest I'll be right here the minute she moves I'll wake you up  "
Jake " okay "
I closed my laptop and put my files back into my bag and just laid there i was holding her hands
Jake " i love you angel i need you "
I fell asleep holding her hand and woke up still holding her hands
Jake " Morning, what time is it ?"
Mac " well it's 9 in the morning "
What the hell i slept so long
Jake " why didn't you wake me up? "
Mac " because you were tired the doctor came and checked her she's okay in a couple of hours she will be waking up , the others were here but after they found you sleeping the decided to come back later "
Jake " thank you mac i really was tired"
I heard the sound before I realized where it was coming from. I looked at mac . When i looked at her i thought i saw her move when i checked the machine i saw here heartbeat rising
Jake " mac get the doctor in here now"
After he left i was frantic i didn't know what to do the doctor rushed in with a few more nurses
Jake " What is happening to her ?"
Doctor " her blood pressure is close to normal but her heart "
Jake " but she's asleep "
Doctor " then something has to scaring her badly to make her react like this "
Jake " do something "
Doctor " we need to wake her up sit next to her and talk to her "
he couldn't do anything else for her i walked over to her and sat on the bed next to her and held her hands
Jake " Hannah is gone they locked her up , I'm here angel i won't ever leave I'm waiting for you ".
I could feel her fingers twitching in mine her heart beat wasn't slowing down it was going faster in one moment i thought her heart stopped i because i didn't hear the beep of the machine i will never forget that day she opened her eyes and started screaming i grabbed onto her
Jake " mc calm down "
She started crying she sat up and held onto me as if i was going to disappear i tried to talk to her but she wouldn't listen  she kept saying I'm sorry dont leave , i promise ,don't take him please she kept repeating those words over and over while crying and she wouldn't calm down
Jake " Angel I'm not leaving you , i need you to calm down love your heart is going to stop i can't live without you"
She looked up at me and loosened her grip on me slightly I held her face on my hands
Jake" Look at me I'm not going anywhere you're my wife, I love you, we're having a baby . I'll always be right here . But right now i need you to lie down and close your eyes and relax don't think about anything or anyone just think about our baby I'll be right next to you "
After she seemed to calm down a bit but she didn't stop crying i let her lie back down and got into the same bed with her and held her i kissed her head
Jake " relax  angel your putting too much stress on your heart don't worry or think about anything  I'll be right here when you open your eyes "
What the hell scared her so much I knew she had fears but I've never seen anything like this. I looked over at Mac. He just shook his head . what the hell had her screaming and crying like her life had ended ?.

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