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I pulled away from her long enough to look at her , to make sure this was what she wanted and her eyes told me everything I needed to know. I kissed her , slow , long and deep Like the first time, I kissed her .


Jesus Christ my  body felt like a melted candle in the sun.
All these feelings, I never knew I could feel  all these shivery little sensations.
I let myself go with it, I could feel the difference in him . I couldn't help it. I brought my hands to his face when he changed the angle of the kiss.
I was  shivering with anticipation when he took my shirt off. He traced a finger up my spine,and  down.


That  light touch had her arching
towards me she was purring in her throat so damn beautiful and all mine i unhooked her bra and brushed it off her shoulders

Jake : you are absolutely beautiful Angel , Your heart is  beating so fast.

Mc : I'm sorry

She tried to take off my jeans But her hands were shaking. I lifted my hands to help her, but she pushed them away.

Mc : No, I want to do it.

Just that simple touch from her had me shivering after she got it open she looked me dead in the eyes

Mc :  I want everything

She was undoing me with those words she snapped the last link on the chain of my control. She gasped
When I lifted her up, dropped her back on the bed.She was so slim, and part of me was scared about hurting her. But that faded into nothing when she bowed up, gripping my hips, holding Me  against her .


He had muscles like iron despite his looks. His back rippled with them. Oh God, the feel of them under my hands. The weight of him pressing me down into the bed. And  impatient hands all over my body. awakening needs i Never knew i had When his mouth closed over my  breast, a scrape of teeth, a flick of tongue, and his hand slid between my legs, the orgasm tore through me left me shocked and shuddering holy shit but He didn’t stop, didn’t pause, but drove me up again.
And I was left  Helpless and quaking. My body was his now, open, and he took it, gave me more so much more the sensations tangled together, my needs became a single throbbing ache.Then he was inside me , and pleasure ran through me in a flood.


She bit into my shoulder to stifle the scream

Jake : I'm sorry I hurt you angel i love you so much

In that one moment i knew she had just taken a piece of my heart and she gave me a piece of hers

She rode with me, beat for beat, her heart racing and so was mine .Her hair spread wild over the sheets, and her skin glowed

Jake :  Angel  Look at me

my body screamed for release, for that last leap.But I wanted to see her eyes.

Jake : Look at me Angel

When She opened them, and looked at me her eyes were dark and dazed, This was  everything and I let go


My first coherent thought when the haze cleared from my mind was So this is what it’s like.i felt heavy and light and limp, hulled out and filled me up again all at once. I  thought I could run a marathon, or sleep for a week.
Most of all I felt utterly and completely alive.Jake was laying flat-out on top of me and that was just fine. I Liked the
weight of him even now, the sensation of his skin against mine, everything
still hot and damp  made me smile. Everything made me smile.

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