chapter 30

418 21 12

4 Months later


She has gone absolutely crazy she's almost due and she's driving everyone crazy phil , Lilly , Shannon ,richy , Thomas , Jessica and cleo are all here and she's driving them crazy I've been noticing her , ever since she hit the due date she's been acting crazy right now she just had an argument with her mother .
Mom " jake she went to her room "
Jake " okay I'll talk to her "
I went up to our apartment and found her in the room funny thing is she was sitting on the bed under the covers I pulled the covers off  her she had tear tracks on her face she was crying
Jake " Talk to me angel tell me what's wrong ?"
Mc " I'm scared ,i can't do this everybody hates me I'm making their lives miserable "
Jake " no one hates you love "
Mc " yes they do and you do too "
Jake " why would you think i hate you "
Mc " it's been almost 3 months since you've touched me, everytime we're alone together you automatically find something to do . You come to bed after i fall asleep .you don't love me anymore it's because because I've gotten fat "
I couldn't help it i started laughing
Mc " see you're laughing at me "
For some reason I couldn't stop laughing. This was the worst time to laugh. I saw her pick up the vase from the table and barely caught it before it hit me.
Jake " I don't hate you , I'm really really really trying to be a good angel, I can't be around you, I can't be alone with you ".
Mc " see you're admitting it ,i might as well leave "
She got off the bed to walk away
Jake " get your ass back here I can't be around you because I'm afraid I'll hurt you. I want all the time , every minute of the day and the clothes you wear don't help shit either".
it's like something otherworldly or some shit i wanted to fuck her senseless everytime I saw her , I wanted her all the time seeing her pregnant messed with my mind or some shit and her scent was driving me nuts. True, I avoid her but she was in her last week and I stayed up most of the night having the most sinful thoughts of what I wanted to do to her but I end up making sure she was okay.
Mc " you don't hate me? "
Jake " no love I don't , everyone out there is trying the want what's best for you love"
there was a knock at the door
Jake " yes "
Dad " umm son the ladies are finished"
Jake " already ?"
Dad " well they're not going to wait until the end "
Jake " okay come on love , there's a surprise for you "
Mc " what surprise ?"
I didn't answer her because she thinks everyone hated her but they were busy  doing over the nursery they wanted to surprise her but she kept bothering them . Dad had angel's old room and the wall between the next torn down for the nursery he wasn't leaving anything to chance they were all standing outside by the door
Lilly " we're not mad at you "
Jessica " it's just we wanted to do this for you "
Mc " do what ?"
They opened the door and she walked in she was shocked shit i was shocked too
Mc " you guys did this for me"
Phil " Do you like it ?"


They actually did the nursery for me. It was amazing they each left a part of themselves there either in the stuffed animals or the design. I saw it and I knew what it was.I saw the Paris painting and the waterfalls and the shadow of angels in gold.
Mc " Is that Aurora written there?"
Phil " yes it is and that's where she'll have her first beer "
Mc" thank you guys so much i love it she'll love it "
Richy " great now everything is ready she's the only one who isn't ready "
Jake " come on let's head to the patio "
As we were heading down the stairs I felt a twinge in my side. It felt like a kick. She was doing that a lot now after we went outside. I took a seat and watched them as he was talking to Lilly, earlier their conversations were awkward now it was normal , jessy and Phil were getting along better .
I saw Gerald walking out
Mc " what's the matter Gerald "
He pulled a box out from behind his back
Gerald " your strawberry cheesecake "
Mc " finally Gerald "
Phil " Are you sharing ?"
Mc " no I'm not "
Crap i Gerald forgot the fork i could get it myself i stood up and i froze my water just broke i was going into to labor so i sat back down i didn't care i wanted this cheesecake
Mc " can someone get me a damn fork right now ,  mac where are you?  "
Jake " angel ? "
Mc " not now jake "
I saw Lilly walking over to me with the fork in her hand mac walking towards us I couldn't help  it i was scared i started crying
Lilly " here you go why are you crying"
Mc " I'm sorry for being  rude but i needed to eat this "
A contraction hit me and I almost screamed Jake was looking at me i just nodded .
Jake " Lilly , Jessica can you get her bags ,mac get the cars mom dad we're going to the hospital"
Phil " the hell why didn't you say something mc ?"
Mc " because i wanted my damn cheesecake , fuckkk ahhhhh "
Shit it my contractions were starting to get serious and closer to each other

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