Now what 2

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I hope Angel was ok. She would be she has mac , still i couldn't shake this feeling that something was wrong , phil was getting annoying

Phil :  so hacker dude what's the deal with you and Hannah

I might as well tell him the others probably know by now

Jake : I'm her and Lilly's half brother

Phil : you're joking right

Jake : no I'm not

Phil : and mc

Jake : phil  I'm not talking about her with you

Phil : relax dude i just spoke to her twice she seems kinda cool but standoffish i don't know .

Jake : she's amazing

Phil : So the two of you ? Have you taken her to bed yet ?

Jake : This is the last time Aurora don't talk about her like that .

Phil : fine

Jake : When the hell are you getting released ?

Phil : let's see today is  Sunday so on Tuesday

Jake : well i for one won't miss you

Phil : so she's a good girl

I just looked at him what the hell was his problem

Phil : look man I'm just calling it as i see it

Jake : meaning

Phil : if what you say is true then you need to be careful with her . How does your sisters feel about you and her ?

Jake : that is my decision , whether  they accept it or don't  I'm not giving her up .

Phil : ok i get that but what if mc makes you choose

Jake : she won't she already made it clear

Phil : what if your sisters as you call them make you choose , look I've known Hannah and lilly for a while now and when they want something they aim to get it .

Jake : you're reading too much into it

Phil : Am I ? Either way you're going to end up hurting someone , you can't please everyone .

He was right that someone was bound to get hurt in this , I just prayed that I would end this all with my sanity intact. There was no more danger but what if she wanted to go to Duskwood and I couldn't be there with her ? I may regret this later but for now I need to trust him.

Jake : Phil I need you to do something for me .

Phil : see i told you we would be friends

Jake : please be serious for one moment

Phil : ok damn you're so sensitive what is it

I couldn't believe i was about to do this

Jake : When you leave here . If I'm still here and mc goes to Duskwood I want you to watch her. And make sure she doesn't get into trouble .

Phil : wow I'm honoured you would trust me with your most valuable item.

Jake : forget it

Phil : I'm just kidding. I'll do it only because she stood up for my sister , and she seems like a nice person .

Jake : don't flirt with her

Phil : I already told you dude I only do that to get a rise out of you . If she's ever there I'll watch out for her.

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