(Don't let me go ) chapter 1

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PART 2 to In the midst of it all


That one line that Phil sent me has given me many sleepless nights. It's been 5 days since I got that message and they still haven't found her. She has to be getting help from someone, maybe Lilly ? Who knows, Mc has been looking at me like she knows something is bothering me but she hasn't said anything yet , i would start working today i needed to meet the director at 10 I'll be leaving early . I decided against waking her up. I needed to take a shower and get dressed first.
As I stood there under the shower I thought of all the ways I could keep her safe. I always came back to the same thing which was leaving her . I couldn't do it. I can't be without her and it would kill her to be without me . As I got out of the shower and walked into the room I just stood there looking at the suit .
Mc" Why are you scowling at the suit ?
Jake " because it's a monkey suit "
Mc " it's just for one day " i just looked at her she was my everything how would I do this ? Could I do this ?
Mc " come back to bed with me" i walked over to her and moved a stray hair from her face
Jake " i have to be somewhere angel "
MC " it's been days since you've called me that " she said it in such a quiet and hurt way i realized it was true i was stuck in my head since that message ,i had no other choice.
Jake " I'm sorry angel "
Mc " why are you sorry ?" I checked the clock i had time
Mc " why do i feel like you're leaving me ?"
Jake " i am I'm going to work "
Mc " no it feels different like you're leaving me forever " i just looked at her there were tears in her eyes
Mc " i know she escaped "
Jake " i tried to keep it from you , I don't know what to do anymore angel ,i always had a plan , always had a solution for most of my problems , she won't stop , I can't risk you getting hurt again "
MC " so you'll leave me "
Jake " No angel i won't " when she looked me in the my eyes I don't know what she saw
Mc " you're lying , and I won't let you leave me , I'd rather be dead than being without you think about this if you leave me I'll be forced to marry someone else ,have a family with someone that's not you , a child for someone else. " i couldn't even think clearly after she said that i grabbed her by the throat and threw her back onto the bed
Jake " that will never happen , you belong to me angel only me , the only way you'll leave me is if I'm dead " and i meant it she was not going to be with anyone other than me .i just looked at her she reached up her hands and touched my face and simply smiled
Mc" i needed you to understand it , that is how i feel about you too I don't think I'll have a life without you ,i know i won't "
Jake " i love you Angel "
Mc " i love you too , jake "
Jake " yes angel "
Mc " please make love to me " And just like that she started kissing me, I grabbed her waist and cupped her face. She was mine. I felt all her emotions with just the soft touch of her lips and the way she held onto me . She let out a long satisfied sigh.
I looked at her I would have to be completely crazy to leave this woman


He started kissing his way around my back then went to my breast. Jesus Christ in that moment of caressing, I was memorizing every feeling. Every touch of his he just looked at me and smiled and started kissing my neck. I bit my lip with satisfaction and he just kissed me harder until I was almost out of breath
Jake "love that mouth of yours angel
Mc "Off with that." I pointed at the towel
Jake " your breasts are extremely sensitive angel.
I nodded in response, and whimpered when he leaned down and took one
aching nipple into his mouth.
Jake "Then that makes teasing them even more fun,"
Mc "Oh, Jesus, do that again."
Jake"I plan on it,"
I'd thought i would go out of mind with need, when his hand left my breast and slipped between legs I thought i would die with need
Jake " damnit Angel we have to hurry
Mc "jake " i moaned, I was unable to articulate anything but his name. I was existing in a pool of delicious need, and my body was desperate for release.
Jake "I can't wait any longer," he Mc"Yes, please."
When he entered me My entire body came alive.Oh God, that must have been it because , he pressed against something that made me crazy with need, and i was on the brink of losing my mind he just looked at me and smiled at me wickedly
Jake " got you angel "
I could do nothing but nod


she was mine nothing and no one would ever change that .
After i grabbed a quick shower and got dressed she was back asleep i kissed her and told her goodbye i walked down the stairs and met her father and mother
Mr mc " good morning the jet is waiting for you mac will accompany you "
Jake " mac doesn't need to ,nothing will happen to me "
Mr mc " i know but better be safe than sorry "
Jake " ok I'll see you later "
Mrs mc " aren't you going to have breakfast "
Jake " thank you but no "
I said goodbye to them and left with mac as we headed to the airfield my phone started ringing i looked down and saw Lilly calling i just ignored the call i didn't have time for her , but she kept calling after 7 times i was getting annoyed so i answered
Jake " what do you want ?"
Lilly " she's going crazy she attacked me "
Jake " if you're calling to try and get me to come there it won't work "
Lilly " no Jake I'm serious , I'm scared she escaped and when i came back to my apartment she was already her then she pulled out a knife she said i betrayed her , she kept ranting that we all betrayed her i barely escaped her I'm in the hospital . she's going after the others too . You have to warn them they won't answer my calls please warn them please believe me "
I didn't need this shit i didn't want to get involved in this but the least i could do was warn the others.
Jake " fine I'll let them know "
Lilly " thank you and Jake be careful "
Jake " goodbye Lilly " this was a whole other ball game she was going off the deep end i dialled phil when he answered i explained to him he assured me he would call the others and let them know.

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