Disaster 2

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Its been hours and she still hasn't woken up, then i felt her fingers twitch in mine and was up and over her in a flash.come on angel , come back to me please  I kissed her face so she would feel me, She came awake slowly, her face scrunching up in pain.

Mc : jake  It hurts , it hurts really bad

Jake : I know angel, I'll get the doctor." I used the call button instead of running out the door screaming .

Jake : I love you Angel, you scared the shit outta me, but you're with me now

Mc : My head hurts, everything hurts.

Jake : No, don't move, your doctor should be here any minute.

The medical team came in, not just the nurse because I think her father made it very clear to the doctor that she was to get the best attention and care. His daughter was  in the extreme early stages of pregnancy coming out of a coma. She  needed the attention of a doctor.The first one that even hinted at me leaving the room while they did their thing got a pretty nasty look I held her hand as they prodded and poked her, She cried for pain but they could only give her the lightest dosage because of the fetus.Seeing her in that much pain was one of the hardest things I've ever done. It was not going to be good for Hannah . After they finished and left i looked at her

Mc : My parents ?

Jake : They'll be here in a few minutes. Everyone was here earlier.

Mc : i want to sleep ,.it hurts

Fuck she was crying , her parents walked in . And he looked at me

Jake : the pain

Mr mc : you didn't mention it ?

Jake : not yet

Mr Mc :  I know you like to prove how strong you are sweetheart but you can't always be strong , sometimes you'll feel pain and it's not just you alone anymore .

Mc : What do you mean?

Mrs mc : Just that we're happy you're awake and okay .

Mc :  I'm sorry but I can't. I need to sleep .

Mrs mc : that's ok sweetheart , we'll be here in the morning , jake will be with you .

She started nodding her head after her parents left. She was still awake. I climbed in the bed with her being careful not to jostle her  .

Jake : i love you so much

Mc : You and my parents are hiding something from me .

Jake : Angel you're hurt and in pain leave it alone.

Mc : no tell me now .

She truly was stubborn , how do I tell her that what if she freaks out ?

Jake : the doctor can't give you a lot of medicine because

Mc : because of what .

I prayed a silent prayer for not to be angry

Jake : you're pregnant

I waited for something, some kind of screaming , yelling anything but she was silent , I saw her hand slowly drift down to her stomach  then she started crying.

Jake : please angel , please say something.

Mc : I don't know , all I do know this is a gift .

Jake : Are you happy ?

Mc : yes i am did you tell anyone ?

Jake : not just us and your parents, no one else.

Mc : ok I'll go to sleep now.

I laid there with her until she fell asleep I pulled my phone out and texted mac

Jake : Did you find her yet ?

Mac : No , the police are looking too , her sister is looking for her also but if she finds her she'll probably hide her.

Jake : Make Sure she doesn't find her .

Mac : How is she ?

I could trust mac he was a friend to me so i told him about the pregnancy

Mac : Congratulations, be careful with her . I'll let you know what happens .

It's been three days and we still haven't found Hannah she slept all the time she couldn't bare the pain  i couldn't do anything about it i haven't left her side since she got here i couldn't i was too scared she did this to me she changed me completely i never admitted my feelings ,i always hid them avoided relationships but she undid me . Just then her mother and father walked in.

Mrs Mc : How is she ?

Jake : She's a bit better but she's still in pain .

Mr mc : Jake it's been three days you need to take a shower and get some food in you , also some sleep .

Jake : no i can't leave her

Mrs mc : we'll stay with her, don't be worried . Mac is also outside.

Jake : okay

I kissed her head and told her I love her and left. I headed back to the hotel. I really did need a shower.


I was in so much pain more than i let on to Jake when I opened my eyes my parents where I started panicking. He wasn't here . He was gone. I guess my parents saw the panicked look .

Mom : He's at the hotel  he needed to take a shower and get some rest .

Mc : okay

Dad : So you're going to be a mother .

Mc : I'm scared

Mom : Why ?

Mc : I don't know ,isn't  it just too early for us to be parents . I don't know if I'm doing the right thing . I mean this whole situation with his sister , this child is a part of me and him , this is another human being that we'll be responsible for , what happens when we mess up? What happens if this is not what he wants?

Mom : What does Jake think ?

Mc : he just wants me to be happy but he won't say anything about it .

Dad : Everyone has those fears. We did too just  get better and you'll both talk about it more okay .

Mc : okay , I'm hungry

Mom : I'll get you some soup .

Mc : thanks mom .

After my mom left my dad sat down next to me and just held my hand and looked at me .

Dad : I'm happy you're okay , honestly I thought he would go crazy. He was truly acting like a mad man and that made me see how much he loves you.
I'm happy it's him you'll both have a good life.

I couldn't say anything. I loved him so much we were going to have a child just then Jessy and the others walked in and she had a bunch of flowers.

Jessy : hi , how are you feeling?

Mc : I'm okay for now but I need to eat and get some sleep .

Thomas : That's okay we just came by to check up on you .

Jessy : as long as you're ok.


Why was I feeling like this? Like something was wrong , her parents were there , she was okay but i still couldn't shake this feeling. I got dressed and walked out of the room. I needed to go to her. Something wasn't right. I felt that way once when she was kidnapped  something was wrong. I just felt it .

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