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Jessy : Mc phil has been arrested

Mc : oh no what happened

Jessy : I don't know i have to go to him

Well this sucks nothing was happening the way it should they were all being picked off one by one i needed to get back to Duskwood , oh crap i all the hurry i forgot to tell Lily i met phil at the rainbow cafe . How was i supposed to get back to Duskwood without jake or anyone else knowing . I paced my house for a while trying to come up with a plan .
Then i figured it out i would use a VPN that way i can be where ever i wanted to be . I won't go directly to Duskwood I'll stop in the city before Duskwood rent a car and drive to the motel . If anyone looked up the license plate it would be a rental , crap my name would be on the rental agreement . Doesn't matter unless i do something wrong then they'll check I don't think Duskwood has a car rental service . With my plan all though out i decided to get my traveling bag i didn't unpack so that was all ready to go . As i was turning out off all the electrical appliances i heard the front doorbell . Wonder who that could be as I open the door there was Sammy Sammy one of my friends one of the good ones the one who actually believed I had nothing to do with Hannah's disappearance

MC : hey Sam what's up

Sammy : I just came to check on you I spoke to your mom she told me about your dad's accident

MC : he's okay now why don't you come in 

As I was about to close the door I looked across the street and there was this van a white van with all tinted windows that was strange because I've never seen a vehicle like that in our street I pretended I didn't see it as if I was looking for something else I closed the door

Sammy : what what is going on

MC : it's really complicated but you have to believe me I had nothing to do with Hannah's disappearance

Sammy : well that's not what the rest of our friends think

Mc :  well they aren't really friends if they actually believe that I would hurt someone

Sammy : Mc where are you headed to now

MC :  well I'm going for a vacation i need it

Sammy : ok but you need to stay away from those people stay away from the investigation stay away from all of it

MC : how can I stay away from it when I have been dragged into the middle of it I need to find her to prove that I had nothing to do with it they've become my friends

Sammy :  and what about us your real friends

MC :  what real friends Sammy ? you Lisa and Shannon oh and Greg you guys are the only ones that believed I had nothing to do with this the rest of them I wouldn't even count them as friends because the minute they found out when  they saw that video they thought I was a killer I was a kidnapper I was a scum of the Earth they even blocked my number the unfriended me on all social media sites  they are not worthy to be called friends

Sammy : we are worried about you Lisa , Shannon ,Greg and I were all worried about you we're thinking maybe you got dragged into this so they can pin it all on you and what about the hacker

MC : what about the hacker

Sammy : don't you think it's weird that a hacker would be sharing all of this with you sharing his Clues and everything you even know his name what is his name by the way

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