chapter 18

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She was quiet for the rest of the day i didn't force her to talk ,Phill and the others were on their way back to Duskwood  we would leave at 6 for the island she was already discharged from the hospital so i carried her down to the car i just looked at mac she just closed her eyes and held onto my hand i knew she wasn't asleep
Jake " we'll be leaving in a few hours mac "
Mac " you won't  need me i already called ahead and had the house prepared and there's diesel in the generator also extra in the shed , the fridge and pantry have  already been stocked the cleaner will come over from her parents island two times a week to clean "
Jake " thank you mac "
She didn't say anything the entire ride home. When we got home I didn't ask her. I just picked her up and walked up the stairs. Gerald opened the door for us
Gerald " there is someone here to meet you sir "
when i  walked into the house grace was standing there she tried to get me to put her down i wasn't going to why was she here ? The director didn't call me
Jake " what are you doing here ?"
Grace " the director told me you well i overheard you got married then i heard you got shot so i came to congratulate you and check to see if you're okay"
What the fuck who did she think she was ?
Mc " put me down jake "
Jake " no "
I looked grace dead in the face
Jake " We are not friends , not even colleagues , you have no right or reason to come here unless the director sends you here. Now please excuse me, my wife and I are about to leave for our honeymoon . Gerald please show her out "
I just walked up the stairs and into our apartment  and into the room i put her on the bed and walked into the bathroom
Mc " jake "
I just peeped out
Jake " yes love "
Mc " you didn't need to speak to her so rudely "
Jake " really? you're already scared of me leaving you , if i entertain her nonsense we'll be in another situation just like Hannah , then at some point you'll think I'm having an affair with her"
She just looked at me she looked like she was about to say something but she thought better of it so she stayed quiet i got into the shower i needed a shower before we left when i came out she was on the phone
Jake " who was that ?"
Mc " my dad "
Jake " Go take a shower before we leave angel  we'll get there late and you'll be tired I'll be in the office "
I kissed the top of her head and left her alone. I left the door to the room and office open so she could see me .
I sat down at the desk I needed to make a call .
Director " Yes Jake, what can I do for you ?"
Jake " I'll be away for a month and where I'm headed no one can get there. Do you have any more assignment's for me ?"
Director " yes but i can send you and email on all the subjects "
Jake " okay there is something else i need to speak to you about "
Director " Is something wrong ?"
Jake " i came home from the hospital with my wife to find  Grace at my house  she came here because she said you told her i got shot  i really don't appreciate it "
Director " she did what ? I never mentioned anything to her i was on the phone with my superiors concerning Hannah donfort "
Jake " then she overheard you "
Director " this cannot happen that means she has heard more than she's supposed to ,She told me she has some personal stuff i didn't expect that"
Jake "  please make her understand that my life is private I don't need anything that will stress my wife out and of she keeps coming here it will be a problem for me "
Director " I'll assign her to another department you won't see her again "
Jake " Does she know anything about Hannah and my relationship"
Director " I don't think so but I can't be sure "
Jake " I'm asking for your permission first , I'm going to wipe all details that connects me , my wife and everyone else who has had a connection with Hannah , because if anyone goes digging it will be a problem "
Director " very well "
After a short conversation I hung up when I looked up. She was standing by the door just looking at me .
Jake " come here angel "
She walked slowly over to me. I didn't like seeing her like this. I pulled her down to sit on my lap and just hugged her .
Mc " why are you trying to get rid of all the details "
Jake " because if grace or anyone knows there is a connection between us and anyone from Duskwood they may tell Hannah I'm still alive and she'll try to escape and start her craziness again "
Mc " oh "
Jake " i missed you "
Mc " why i haven't gone anywhere "
Jake " no but seeing you like that scared me angel more than you know at one point i thought your heart stopped "
Mc " I'm sorry for scaring you like that Jake " it's okay Have you packed yet"
Mc " yes "
Just then mac knocked on the door
Mac " the jet is back at the airfield refueling , waiting for you "
Mc " thanks mac  you can spend time with your family "
Mac " i intend to miss and you two be careful let me know if you need me "
Jake " we will Mac thank you "
I  grabbed my laptop and files most of my important stuff that i needed i closed the door behind me and walked out mac had already taken our bags down when i walked down stairs she was talking to Gerald I wasn't really interested in that
Jake " you ready angel ?"
Mc " yes "
My in-laws will be back in  a couple of days. I spoke to Gerald and the others and then we left. Mac drove us to the airfield. After we got there we said  goodbye and boarded  twenty minutes later we were on our way. We had an entire month together. She sat next to me staring out the window .
Jake" you need to relax , you can't stay like this angel you need to talk to me "
Mc " i know but i just can't get it out of my head what i felt what you said even of it was a dream it felt real to me ,i feel like i lost something "
Jake " you haven't lost me angel I'm here ".

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