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As we got of the plane it felt weird i knew the minute he saw my dad because he tried to let go of my hand but i was not having that

Dad : mc is this the young man

Mc : yes dad this is jake

My dad shook his hand i could tell he was kinda intimidated by my dad after all my dad was a no nonsense man in the business world and people usually are scared of him

Lawyer : we need to leave if we aim to make it in time

Dad : where are your bags

Mac : why don't you go ahead I'll wait here for the other car and take care of the luggage

Mc : thank you mac

He walked over to mac and shook his hand

Jake : thank you for everything please take care of her until i can

Mac : don't worry i will

We got into the car and headed off . It would only take us 15 minutes to get there and those were the most tormenting 15 minutes of my life as we pulled up to the building i could feel him tenses up

Mc : it'll be okay I'm here

Jake : thank you Angel

I could see my dad looking at us but ever the diplomat he didn't say one word as we got out and walked into the building i could feel the stares i wasn't going to let go of his hands  one of the officers led us into a conference room the director walked in and with him 3 other agents and the crazy ass that kidnapped me he was in handcuffs   along with blondie i just looked at him . The director started speaking to the the lawyer and my dad

Director : miss may i ask why You are staring at former agent Thomson

Mc : of course dad do you remember when i was kidnapped well now that i know his name it was him  he and blondie over there .

Dad : are you telling me he's the one that beat you up

Mc : exactly

Director : wait what now agent Carson is this young lady telling the truth

Blondie looked scared but i wanted to see if he would speak the truth

Agent carson : yes director she is unfortunately agent Thompson just told me the hacker stole state secrets and it was a top priority case and she would lead us to him.

Director : agent carson please report to your senior you will be suspended. And agent Thompson looks like. More charges will be added to your case . After what seemed like forever my dads lawyer got it down to 4 months jail time , he could work for them of he chose to . But he had to promise no more hacking or he'll face more jail time i just looked at him and whispered  very softly

Mc : can you live with that love

Jake : as long as in the end  i still have you angel

Mc : you will love .  We'll take the deal

Director : great we'll leave for a short while to say your goodbyes while we get started on processing him .

Mc : which facility are you taking him to ? And will i have visitation rights

Director : Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) in little rock Washington  and yes you will he's not a criminal but it's just that's the law he'll be ok there trust me.

Mc : ok thank you .

The director and agent's left us

Dad : sweetheart can i speak to you for a moment

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