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Mc : hey Lilly what's up

Lilly : i need your help in writing this letter to Ted . Are you busy ?

Mc : no I'm not sure i can help you know you could also ask jake to help you

Lilly : would he want to help ? I haven't spoken to him since the video

Mc : why don't you ask him

Lilly : I'm  don't know what to say

Mc : ok fine should i ask him ? Is he even online ?

Lilly : can you please ? I don't know  you can also add him to the chat

Mc : ok I'll try

I looked over at him he was busy doing what I don't know

Jake : i can feel you staring angel

Mc : sorry Lilly needs you help

I explained what it was

Jake : just add me angel 

Mc : don't you feel weird

Jake : weird about what angel

Mc : i dont know sitting right next to each other and texting each other

Jake : no i like it better like this

Mc : jake be careful don't let it slip that we're together I don't think anyone will approve of that especially Lilly

Jake : ok

We continued with our work  i texted Jessy next

Mc : hey jessy what did you need to talk to me about

Jessy : so i found a file here it has micheal Hanson's phone number and address .

Mc : please don't tell me you want to go to that address

Jessy : actually no I was thinking you could call the number and see if it's still active because I remember Michael Hanson moved out a long time ago maybe Jake can find out something about that

MC : okay I'll let him know and I'll call hold on I'll call it right now

well that was a bus the number is not active it probably hasn't been for a very long time

MC :  the numbers  is  inactive Jessy it probably has been for a long time

Jessy :  damn I thought we would get somewhere with that but this address looks really interesting I want to check itouching  group and talk about this

(Cleo was added to the group Thomas was added to the group Dan was added to the group Jake was added to the group   Lily was added to the group )

MC :  okay guys so we found Michael Hanson's address hold on one minute

Jake was touching me

MC :  okay so Jake found this  interview I want you guys to listen to it and let me know what you think

while they were discussing that I looked at Jake

MC :  I find it weird that you came home after a long night your daughter just came home and you wouldn't go into check on her see if she's back home from the festival or not  why would you not check

Jake : I honestly don't know

at that exact moment my phone started ringing the operator came on and said I was getting a call from an inmate what the hell it was Phil I looked over at  his face he was not happy he tried to take the phone away from me I just told him to wait I'll put it on speaker are you serious he was arrested because of Michael Hanson I never knew nobody ever mentioned it all Jessy said was her brother bought the bar from the previous owner she never
mentioned that Michael was the original owner of the Aurora did she know

Jessy : okay I've listened to it

Mc :  So I just got a call from Phil and he said the reason he was arrested is because of his connection to Michael apparently Michael was the previous owner of the Aurora why didn't anybody ever mention that

Jessy :  I don't know I didn't know he was the owner

Thomas : we didn't know we only started going to the Aurora after Phil bought it

Mc : Jessy found Michael's old address and his phone number but the phone number is inactive so we can do anything about that but the address would you guys like to go check it out

Lily : no it's dangerous

Jake :  maybe we can find some Clues there maybe Michael still lives there he wants people to  think he's moved out

MC :  two of you should go not one person please let us know and keep your phone on at all times

Thomas : I'll go

Jessy : I'll go with you

Mc : please be careful

just then Mac walked into the room

Mac :  aren't you going to take a break  it's already after lunch

I looked at the time crap it really was was almost one

Mc : I'll go make us  some sandwiches

Mac :  nope no worries I already  made some here

Jake : we need to take a break angel

MC : not yet

Jake : please let's take a break I'm I'm starting to get a headache

MC : okay let's eat first then let's go for a walk on the beach


I need to to distract her because I don't know what's about to happen and it's going to get her frustrated and Confused

MC :  Jake

Jake : yes Angel

Mc :  did you have a Normal childhood

Jake : of course

Mc : did you ever have a normal job

Jake : nope i created video games and sold them

Mc : see i got you to tell me something about yourself

She started laughing and running she was right  i ran up to meet her then she just stopped laughing

Jake : what's wrong

Mc : they're at the house let's get back inside

I don't know what they were going to find but i knew it would not be good .

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