chapter 11

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We needed to get to the courthouse at 2 so we had time i pulled her out of the chair and took a seat then pulled her back into my lap and just held her
Jake " What did the doctor say about the baby?"
Mc " everything is good just avoid being stressed out "
Jake " How far along are you ? "
Mc " a few weeks everything is okay really "
Jake " you need a dress to wear angel"
Mc " i have a lot of dresses "
Jake " Don't worry about it, I had your mom buy you one . Do you want to call the Duskwood troop now ?"
Mc " yep but , what am I going to tell them ?"
Jake " just tell them the truth we're getting married today and we're having a party this weekend that's three days away and we want them here , don't forget to call  Shannon "
Mc " ok "
She still hasn't asked about the vest as yet or so i thought
Mc " babe what's with the bulletproof vest ?"
So i explained it to her and honestly I expected something some kind of  argument but instead she chose to hug me and tell me she loved me
Jake " you really are my angel "
Mc " I'll always love you and want what's best for you . I just want you to be happy and I will always  protect you to the end jake "
She was crying
Jake " why are you crying ?"
Mc " I don't know i think it's hormones or some shit i….. it's  just the first day you texted me when you found my number I was so mad at you i didn't trust you but. Gradually I started trusting you , I looked forward to getting your messages. When you started opening up about certain things it made me happy , and when you disappeared I didn't know what to do . And now that I have you I can't lose you."
Jake " you won't ever lose me angel i promise "
I just held her closer to me i know she has her fears and hangups I'd be lying if i said i didn't too just then there was a knock at the door so she got up and opened it her mother was standing there
Mrs mc " you'll both be late sweetheart i brought the dress for you , you did say blue right jake ?"
Jake " yes i did "
Mrs mc " okay we'll have to leave in half of an hour to be there on time "
Jake " okay i need mac to be there "
Mrs mc " okay if that's what you want "
After she handed the dress to mc she left.  she just looked at me
Mc " how do you know if I'll like the dress you chose ? "
Jake " I don't know about you liking it but  i sure as hell do "
I just sat there smiling at her when she opened the covering she looked up at me
Mc " you won't be ripping this one "
Jake " say's who ? come on let's call the others before we leave  "
She grabbed my phone and started a group chat before she could call my phone started ringing Lilly was calling i looked at her face she didn't seem angry or anything so i left it to her whether she answered it or not i thought she would end the call but she didn't she surprised me by answering it and putting it on speaker 
Mc " Hello Lilly "
Lilly. " Oh hi umm is Jake around ?"
Mc " yes one minute "
Lilly " umm mc wait I want to talk to you first I'm sorry i should have seen it coming with the way Hannah was behaving but i was scared we had just found them and she was already acting crazy , she's my sister i thought i was protecting her by not mentioning Jake's relation to us , I'm sorry for all the nasty and mean things i said to you i truly am , after Hannah attacked me …..
Mc "Wait what ? why would she do that?"
Lilly " you don't know she came after me With a knife and started calling me a traitor , a betrayer and blaming me she cut me up i barely escaped from her she's going after everyone and it's my fault I'm so sorry i know you won't be able to forgive me but I'm sorry . I just want jake to be happy the others told me everything you did for him it took a while before they trusted me but I'm happy he's happy congratulations on your engagement and I'm sorry about the baby i didn't expect her to become this obsessed i already lost my sister ,the Hannah i knew is no longer there i have a brother and want to be part of his life "
Mc " it's okay Lilly i understand she's your sister but all i ever wanted was for Jake to be free and happy, i wanted both of you to be apart of his life "
Lilly " thank you mc "
Mc " talk to jake "
She just turned it off speaker and handed it to me
Mc " I'm going to get dressed "
And she walked out
Jake " yes Lilly "
Lilly " i just apologized to mc I'm really sorry for everything I've said and done jake Hannah came back to the hospital yesterday and she's still acting crazy she came with a gun this time the security guard caught her but somehow she managed to get away I'm scared jake for me and the others I don't know what to do "
Just the angel ran into the office
Jake " hold on a minute Lilly . You know you're not supposed to be running angel "
She had her phone in her hands and she was shaking i put Lilly on speaker and walked over to her
Jake " What's wrong ?"
She was hyperventilating shit she couldn't even speak properly
Mc " jess jess Jessy , Hannah is there she has a gun "
Shit i grabbed my phone
Jake " Lilly I'll call you back Hannah is after Jessica with a gun "
Lilly " oh my god , I'm not far away I'm going there "
Jake " Don't "
But i was talking to air  she had already hung up i dialled Phil's number when he answered i had no time for pleasantry
Jake " get to your sister's house now Hannah is there with a gun "
Phil " for fucks sake "
That was all i heard and the line went dead
Jake " Angel look at me , phil is on his way to her we'll keep them safe even if we have to keep all of them here with us  "
She started crying she held onto to me as if it was the end what seemed like hours were only fifteen minutes her phone started ringing Phil was calling
Phil " Jessy is okay pretty shaken up Hannah disappeared when Lilly and i got here "
Jake " get the rest of them tell them to pack their bags they won't be staying in Duskwood for a while we'll come get all of them in a few hours if you want to join them you can phil "
Phil " I'll think about it "
After i disconnected the call i looked at her she was worried she had a soft heart
Jake " she's okay we'll bring them here, we'll get married another day i need to talk to your father "
Mc " is she really okay ? And you'll bring them here ?"
Jake " yes angel she is , and yes i will because they are important to you "
Mc " okay let's get married and we'll go get them I'm going to get dressed  "
After she left me i went looking for her father i found him in his office when i told him everything to say he was concerned was saying it lightly
Mr mc " they're all welcome here we have enough space and they mean a great deal to my daughter and you only problem we won't be here i have a 5 day trip coming up with my wife but you'll be fine I'll hire some more security I'll also need to call the director and let him know"
Jake " thank you "
Mr mc " so the wedding is off "
Jake " actually no she still wants to get married "
Mr mc " well then let's hurry up I'll have the jet on standby "
After i left the office i ran back upstairs to get dressed when i walked into our room she was just standing there Infront of the mirror
Jake " Are you sure angel ?
Mc " never been more sure let's get married babe "

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