Chapter 22

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I see her walking around the house she's getting bored the storm lasted the entire week it was now the second week and she was getting àntsy
Jake " what's wrong angel ?"
Mc " I'm bored "
Jake " wanna go for a swim ?"
Mc " No i want to go back home "
Jake " if we do go back home you'll stress yourself out love "
Mc " no i won't "
I walked over to where she was standing by the balcony door
Jake " And what do you intend to do when you get back home ?"
Mc " Shopping "
Jake " you know I won't be able to go out with you for a while right ?"
She started pouting
Mc " Fine I'll take my mom or mac besides I'm going shopping for baby stuff "
Her face literally lit up when she said that the last two weeks she has been more of herself as long as she was happy I was happy.
Jake " okay I'll call for the jet to come pick us up go pack our stuff and leave it there I'll bring it down
Mc " okay ".
She kissed me and walked off i dialled her father's office
Mr mc " Good morning jake everything fine "
Jake " morning yes it is she wants to come home today she's bored says she wants to go shopping"
Mr mc " finally because my wife has been going crazy on a shopping spree dragging me along I'll send the jet over"
Jake " thank you "
After i hung up i went into the office and packed up my stuff i went to find her i found her laying on the bed
Jake " what's the matter ?"
Mc " nothing I'm finished i just feel nauseous that's all "
I laid next to her
Jake " are you happy with me mc ?"
Mc " of course I am why would you ask that ?"
Jake " just making sure , i love you "
Mc " i love you too "
Just then my phone started ringing. It was Lilly. I looked at the phone and then looked at her .
Mc " Go on answer it "
Jake " Are you sure ?"
Mc " yes I'm fine answer it "
So i answered and put it in speaker
Jake " yes Lilly "
Lilly " Hey how are you , how's mc feeling ?"
Jake " We're both okay "
Lilly " great can i talk to mc "
Jake " phone's on speaker she's here "
Mc " what's up Lilly "
Lilly " remember back then when you came to Duskwood and you told me you saw jessy and Thomas in the square ?"
Mc " yes What happened ?"
Lilly " well Jessy and Thomas are now together "
Mc " you're joking "
Lilly " no I'm not i swear i saw them last night at the black swan "
Mc " i knew it i knew something was going on that day when i saw them they weren't acting like friends do they were holding hands . How do you feel about that ?"
Lilly " not my problem I'm okay with it but Dan's the problem I'm worried about "
Mc " you're right Dan did like Jessy , where is he by the way ?"
Lilly " no one knows "
Mc " and richy"
Lilly " well Richy and cleo I'm not sure"
Mc " hmm there's something i had noticed a long time ago "
Lilly " what do you mean "
Mc " i think cleo actually liked Thomas too "
Lilly " holy shit then this is a whole other ball game , I'm not getting involved in that "
Mc " neither am i "
Lilly " sooo on another topic  am i getting a niece or nephew ?"
Mc " we don't know yet "
Lilly " okay but we're going to have a baby shower you have to "
Mc " fine "
Lilly " okay i gotta go be careful both of you and take care of her Jake bye "
After she hung up i just looked at her
Jake " you never told me about your suspicion "
Mc " exactly it was just a suspicion i didn't have proof "
Jake " i don't want you worrying about that , it's there problem if they tell us then that's fine if they Don't that's fine too "
Mc " okay , can you hold me "
I pulled her closer to me and held her
Mc " you don't know how grateful and thankful I am that it's you and no one else I just can't even think about it "
Jake " i feel the same way love "
We stayed there until I heard the jet she was asleep i lifted her and carried her down stairs just as mac was walking in
Mac " Is she okay ?"
Jake " she fell asleep "
Mac " I'll get the bags and close up "
Jake " thanks mac "
Twenty minutes later we were on our way home i left her sleeping i was sitting with mac i closed the door Incase she woke up and heard anything
Mac " Are you ready to hear this ?"
Jake " tell me "
Mac " sometime last week the house was empty just the house help Gerald called me one night to tell me he heard noises in your apartment so i stayed there apparently grace has been getting into the apartment from the back of the lot she was surprised to find me waiting for her , i called the director and handed her over to him she's in jail for breaking and entering "
Jake " thank you mac just make sure she doesn't know "
Mac " no one does you , me. ,her father and the director just us "
Jake " that's good , I'll go check on her"
I left mac sitting and walked to the room to check on her she was still asleep i laid next to her
Mc " stop staring at me I'm trying to sleep "
Jake " if you can feel me staring you're not sleeping "
She turned and looked at me
Mc " not anymore because you came in "
Jake " want to go sit outside with mac?"
Mc " no i don't feel so good "
Jake " as soon as we get back we're going to the doctor for a check up "
Mc " yes sir "
We laid there until we landed. Mac took care of the luggage we got into the car and headed home. She was quiet on the ride home .
Jake " Are you okay "
Mc " yes I'm okay i just want some Ice cream really bad "
Jake " ice cream ?"
Mc " yes ice cream mixed. With chocolate especially the snickers one "
Jake " mac can you please stop at the first ice cream place you find "
Mac " sure there's one up ahead .
After we stopped i was about to get out
Mac " Don't both of you stay here I'll get it "
Mac had a look on his face one I didn't like ,she told mac what she wanted and he went to get it i looked through the glass trying to see what he saw but there wasn't anything or anyone i just looked at her and smiled when mac got back with her Ice cream we continued home i looked at her she was really enjoying the Ice cream
Jake " happy now "
Mc " very very very happy , want to try some ?"
Jake " no I'm okay "
But she still had to have her way forcing Ice cream into my mouth it was actually good
Jake " Angel please tell me you won't be craving weird things ?"
Mc " how would i know "
She answered between mouthful of Ice cream when we pulled through the gates and to the door it opened before we got out i got out and opened the door for her she finished all that ice cream her mother walked over to both of us and hugged us
Mrs mc " it's good to have you both back "
Mc " mom you're squishing me "
Mr mc " let them breath "
Mrs mc " oh fine "
As we headed inside i felt comfortable i felt home
Mc " i feel like fried chicken and chips for dinner "
She said that and walked away
Mr mc " has she been doing that since you left ?"
Jake " No she just ate a massive amount of Ice cream she's not getting that "
Mrs mc " if you love your sanity and don't want to get hurt give her what she wants "
Jake " no she has to eat healthy food"
Mrs mc " you do realize she's pregnant right one minute she'll want to kill you and the next she won't leave you alone"
Mr mc " okay let's have a bet go tell her no she can't have that "
Mrs mc " Don't do it don't listen to him"
Mr mc " oh hush if you tell her and she hits you or throw something at you  then i get to buy the bike for you "
How the hell did he know about that
Jake " and if she doesn't i buy it myself"
Mr mc " deal "
I left my in-laws , Mac and Gerald standing in the foyer and headed up the stairs. She was  in our living room watching a movie .
Jake " Angel, what do you want for dinner ?"
Mc " fried chicken and chips "
Jake " nope how about some soup "
Mc " no i want what i want "
Jake " and i said no "
The next thing i knew something was flying towards me i barely moved in time
Mc " you don't love me "
She started crying, shit .is this what I'll have to deal with for nine months
Jake " fine you can have it  I'll be back"
I left her and walked back downstairs. They were all looking at me .
Jake " fine you can by it , Gerald there's a broken vase in our apartment can you please get someone to clean it up "
He just smiled and nodded then walked away i looked at her father he was laughing so was mac
Jake " it's not funny "
Mr mc " it is because her mother did the same shit to me
Jake " then next time I'm listening to her "
I left them there still laughing.

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