Confrontation 2

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We reached Duskwood at 8. I decided to take her to Jessy's place. Tomorrow she would stay at Cleo. Hopefully we have this cleared up in two days and head back home .
After we got to Jessy's apartment I wanted Mac to stay with her but she didn't want that so I kissed her goodbye , mac and i left with phil for the  hotel he was giving us a ride. this would be the ultimate test for my patience first she started acting crazy , then the idiotic calls to mc , then showing up at the prison now she lied about trying to slit her wrist .were they insane ?

After we got to the hotel i just walked in Lilly was at the receptionist desk

Jake : I want two rooms .

Lilly : Jake you're here

Did she seem happy , then she started looking around i guess she knew I wouldn't go anywhere with angel

Jake : I asked you for two rooms and no she's not here. I don't want her around insane people so I need two rooms and I'll deal with you and Hannah tomorrow .

She just looked at me for a while then handed me two room keys

Lilly : room 102 and 120

Jake : nope 102 is ok but another room closer

Lilly : fine , you can have 103 and give him 102

Was she seriously telling me which room to take ,i just walked away  after we  got to the first room mac stopped me .

Mac : sorry to say but I don't trust her

Jake : neither do I

Mac : take 102 , she'll expect you to change to 103

Jake : Ok good night mac , I'll see you in the morning. I need some sleep .

Mac : Good night jake.

I opened the room, walked in  and switched on the lights. It was ok. I closed the door and dropped my bags. I was tired after I had a quick shower and then threw myself onto the bed. I grabbed my phone and called her.

Mc : I thought you would be asleep ?

Jake : can't sleep , you're not here .

Mc : hmmm I miss you already . How is Lilly ?

Jake : honestly Angel I don't know , I'm tired of all this i just want it to be over

Mc : me too . Try To get some sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow ok .

Jake : Where's Phil ?

Mc : I don't know besides I'm in the room , stop worrying please .

Jake : Okay I'll try to get some sleep if I can't. I'm calling you again .

Mc : That's fine by me , I love you .

Jake : I love you too angel.

After I hung up I turned off the bed lamps and just stared at the ceiling. I don't remember falling asleep but I remember waking up to someone touching me . At first i thought it was angel but That couldn't be right she was with jessy , then who the hell was in here , i didn't think about it for too long i knew who it was i jumped off the bed and switched on the lights Hannah was sitting on the bed . What the hell .

Jake : How the hell did you get in here?

Hannah : I knew you'd be back for me,I missed you so much .

Jake : Have you gone crazy , are you delusional or some shit .Get it through your head I don't love you , you're my sister .

Hannah : I am not your sister .

Jake : Go ask your father .

Hannah : It's her she did this to you she brainwashed you into hating me.

Jake : You've really lost it Hannah , i did everything i could to find you , mc did everything she could if it wasn't for her Richy would probably be dead and you would've never been found .

Hannah : mc this mc that  all you ever talk about  is mc . If she wasn't around you would love me .

Jake : no i wouldn't , she's my wife we got married yesterday

I knew it was a lie but i needed to make her understand

Hannah : you're lying , you're just saying that to make me jealous .

Jake : I'm not all your friends were there yesterday.

I knew it was a stretch but I called phil he answered on the second ring

Phil : what's up

Jake : Where were you yesterday ?

Phil : dude we were with you and mc

Jake : Did I get married to mc yesterday ?

He took a while to answer

Jake :  Hannah doesn't believe I did , she doesn't believe you were all there

Phil : then why else were we there

Hannah : you're lying , you're all lying, you love me not her .

Jake : That's enough Hannah. I tried to be patient with you. I tried but enough is enough to get out .

I disconnected the phone and grabbed her by her hands and pulled her towards the door this was too much now

Hannah : please Jake I love you, you're supposed to be with me .

Jake : I'm with who I'm meant to be with.

I pulled her outside and closed the door in her face only Lilly could get her in here what the fuck was wrong with them.I needed to talk to her so i called her she answered on the first ring.

Mc : Are you okay ?

Jake : Yes, why do you ask ?

Mc : I just feel uneasy for some reason.

Jake : Angel

Mc : something's wrong what happened ?

She knows , she knows when something is bothering me she always knows so i told her everything .

Mc : jake Lilly is enabling her , hannah won't ever get better because Lilly won't let her , i understand she wants her sister to be happy .but with the way this entire situation is going I'm afraid Hannah and Lilly are going to ruin a lot of lives and a lot of relationships .

Jake : I know , can you stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep please.

Mc : okay I will

We talked about random things then she asked what i was doing with her father she was fuming because I told her it was a surprise .i fell asleep when i woke up someone was knocking on the door so i got up and opened it , it wasn't who i was expecting it was Hannah's father my father he was the last person i wanted to see.

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