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He was digging himself deeper into a grave i didn't have time for this nonsense  

Mac : there was no break-in here 

Deputy : Are you sure how about we come in and take a look around .

Mc : you got a warrant 

Deputy : no 

Mc : then come back when you have one 

He just stared at me i knew he wanted to say something but he changed his mind and got into the cruiser and left 

Jessy : why is he after us 

Mc : don't worry about it Jessy lets go Clean up and I'll make something for dinner bi need to be up early tomorrow to go see Jake .

Jessy : you're going to visit him tomorrow

Mc : yes 

Jessy : ok I'm going to go put my stuff back together 

As she left mac walked over to where i was standing 

Mac : he is going to be a problem miss 

Mc : when Jessy leaves we'll leave also there is a hotel a bit closer to the prison we'll stay there I don't want her to worry .

Mac : ok then 

We cleaned up and had dinner. After that we sat for a while talking and then headed to bed. Mac took the sofa outside. It was one of those sofas  that turned into a bed. We all fell asleep and I woke up to my alarm. I felt tired. Bone tired i needed a good rest when all of this was over i got up and headed out to the living Room  mac was in the kitchen

Mc : morning mac what are you doing up so early 

Mac : you'll both need breakfast before you leave 

Mc : thank you mac but you didn't need to do that.

Mac : it's fine 

Just then Jessy came out of her room

Jessy : morning mc 

Mc : morning jessy I'm going to take a shower and then we'll leave 

Mac : good morning miss Jessy breakfast is ready come have a seat 

Mc : go ahead I'll join you guys in a bit.

I went back to get my towel and went into the bathroom after my shower I joined them and had a cup of coffee and some toast. I wasn't really up to eating much .

Mc : before we leave if anyone asks. I'm visiting my brother. That's who Jake is for now .

Jessy : Why ?

Mc : just a precaution

But mac knew why he just nodded after breakfast we headed to the prison  while driving i noticed a car following us and just looked at mac he saw it too after we got there we walked in and did the necessary checking and everything 

Mc : Mac, do you want to see him?

Mac : if you don't mind miss, can i talk to him first

Mc : sure  it's no problem mac 

one of the guards led mac to the room and i sat outside  


I knew she would be coming but I wasn't expecting Mac to walk in when something was wrong.

Jake : What happened? Where is she?

Mac : she's ok she's outside i needed to talk to you first she having some problems with a deputy police of little rock 

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