chapter 8

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He was unbelievable  after he gave me my bath he left  and came back 15 minutes later with pizza i was hungry it was close to 7 in the evening and i was tired
Jake " here's your pizza angel "
Mc " thank you "
He placed it on the bed and walked out something was bothering him when he walked back into the room i just looked at him
Jake " i can feel you staring angel "
Mc " I'm not staring I'm looking want to tell me about it "
He just stood there looking at me
Jake " A guard thought he saw Hannah earlier this afternoon outside "
Mc " hmm okay you'll deal with it "
Jake " so easily ?"
Mc " you don't want me to worry about it so I'll leave it to you , come eat with me "
He just stood there looking at me
Mc " what ?"
Jake " you usually fight me …. Nevermind  "
Mc " then come eat plus I'm tired i want to sleep "
He sat with me and took a slice of pizza and ate silently .
I was feeling nauseous again
Jake " you look like you want to throw up again "
Mc " i feel that way "
Jake " eat a little bit not too much and not too fast "
Mc " yes doctor "
He just looked at me and started laughing
Jake " you're the only one that makes me laugh angel "
I thought i couldn't eat but i ate 3 slices he just looked at me
Mc "I'm tired i need to sleep "
Jake " okay get some sleep I'll be in the office doing some work if you need me just call for me "
Mc " ok "
He cleared up the bed for me and gave me my medicine. After I took it he tucked me in .
Mc " Don't stay up too late "
Jake " i won't "
I fell asleep instantly I don't know why but i felt something pulling my leg when i turned i felt him next to me he was asleep i was still sleepy my eyes weren't open fully i looked at the clock on the nightstand it was around 3 in the morning but why did i wake up i glanced around the room and could make out the shape of something standing at the foot of the bed  that was weird maybe jake left his shirt there so i layed back down then i realized that was someone when i sat back up i saw the door closing I started panicking someone was here in our room
Mc " Jake wake up "
I guess he heard my voice because he sat up instantly and switched on the lights
Jake " are you okay "
Mc " No someone was in here "
He looked at me as if i was pranking him
He got up off the bed and walked out of the room
Jake " stay in there angel "
I could hear him talking to someone probably mac After what seemed like hours he came back and walked into the closest and grabbed a bag he started packing my clothes and some of his .he was acting like a mad man and i was honestly scared to say anything to him just then mac walked in and grabbed the bags he threw his phone and mine on the bed
Jake " lets go angel "
Mc " okay "


I heard her call my name and she sounded scared. I thought something happened to her but  when she told me what happened I didn't want to believe it. Hannah wouldn't go that far but when i walked out into our living room i was mad as hell and scared at the same time all our pictures
specifically her pictures were destroyed. Hannah was going too far. It was getting serious .I needed help from the FBI. We needed to find her. I wasn't taking any chances now. I was taking her to a hotel. We would spend the night there and figure out what to do tomorrow . As I picked her up and walked out to the living room i couldn't do anything. I knew she was going to see it .
Mc " Jake "
Jake " I'm sorry angel "
I didn't want her there so i carried her downstairs her father was standing there
Mr mc " where are you going ? "
Jake " I'll let you know when we get there i haven't decided as yet "
Mr mc " okay i'll call the director around 9 and explain we need to find that girl "
She hasn't said anything, she just left me to do what I needed to do . After I got her into the passenger side of the car  she just looked at me.
Mc " Do we have to leave it's almost morning ?"
Jake " we don't know if she's gone or still here angel I can't risk it "
Mc " ok i need to close my eyes for a bit "
I walked over and got into the car. I was taking her with me. I knew how to hide. It's one thing to hide from the government and another thing to hide from someone in particular . She needs to visit the doctor later today so I'll make sure she has everything and then we'll disappear .As I drove out of the gates I thought I saw a figure standing by one of the trees. If anyone was looking  they would one person alone in the car .
Jake " Angel we need to talk about something "
Her eyes were still closed
Mc " Lovely "
Jake " cut it out, you wanted to disappear right ?"
She tried to sit up
Jake " no lay back down , answer me why did you want to disappear ?"
Mc " if i wasn't in the picture she would calm down and leave you alone "
Jake " Okay angel I'll let you disappear ,but it will have to be on my terms , you'll go where I send you ,  Just one person will be with you, your mom or anyone you choose . Or we can both disappear forever "
Mc " why now ? You brought me back"
Jake " because now I'll get the FBI involved , she's escalating and we don't know what she's capable of doing , I need you to be safe  ,our child to be safe do you trust me ?"
Mc " of course I do , but we can't both just disappear you have to work I'll leave"
Jake " okay because when you leave I'm going to find her i need to find her"
Mc " please be careful I don't want anything to happen to you  "
We got to the hotel. Mac had already called ahead and made a reservation one of the valet's came over to open her side of the door. I just looked at him. I handed him the keys and walked over to her just then Mac pulled up behind us.
Mac " I'll get the bags and the room key "
Jake " thanks mac "
I got her out of the car and picked her up she was smiling
Jake " What's with the smiling angel ?"
Mc " because people are looking "
Jake " they can look how much they like  just as long they don't touch "
Mc " i need some more sleep "
Jake " sure in a few minutes angel "

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