chapter 10

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After i got back to the hotel i found her already dressed i wasn't going to say anything the director told me but i didn't want to keep anything from her
Mc " I'm ready . Everything okay  ?"
Jake " yep let's go "
Mc " I can't wait I'll be able to walk properly again "
Jake " hmm "
Mc " okay spit it out what's wrong ?"
Jake " Nothing "
Mc " Fine let it bother you "
I just looked at her and picked her up
Jake " let's go, i actually enjoy this picking you up and taking care of you "
Mc " i wouldn't mind if you continued "
Jake " oh is that so ,what were you telling me about earlier this morning ?"
Mc " Nope not going there with you babe "
She really wasn't going to say anything, how the hell was i going to explain a bulletproof vest to her just say hey angel someone is trying to kill me and Hannah has gone crazy  so I need to wear it . Like that conversation will end well . After we got to the lobby i helped her into the car and mac drove us to the hospital
Mc " Did you call the others ?"
Jake " when we get back "
Shit i needed to text her mother she'll need a dress for this afternoon i know just the perfect dress i started smiling
Mc " what's with the smiling hacker dude?"
Jake " Really hacker dude ?"
Mc " eh  besides you're my hacker"
Just then my phone started ringing it was the director so i answered it.
Jake " director ?"
Director " so i don't know where you're staying so I'll have grace deliver the vest at your in-laws place also she has some files for you "
Jake " umm great we'll be there say at 11 "
Director " sure she would leave it but you have to sign for it "
Jake " no problem "
After I hung up i just looked at her when we got to the hospital. Her mother was there already .So I let her take over and sat with mac in the waiting area .
Mac " i know about the vest "
Jake " How ?"
Mac " your father-in-law "
Jake " Does she know ?"
He started laughing
Mac " worried are you ? No i didn't say anything she doesn't know "
We were there for what seemed like hours  then they came out she was walking again she walked straight over to me  and hugged me
Jake " you seem happy "
Mc " I'm always happy when I'm with you "
Jake " are you finished ,we need to get home i have something to pick up I'll explain once we're back at the hotel "
Mc " okay let's go "
So we headed back to the house when we got there she started up the stairs and just turned and looked at me
Mc " i wanna take a shower I'll be back"
Like hell I was missing that so I told Gerald someone would be by soon to drop something off. We'll be over in our apartment . Then I ran after her i found her in the room taking off her clothes so I just closed the door quietly behind me and stood there looking at her .Even as i was looking at her i knew i made the right choice she didn't turn around but she knew i was there she walked into the shower I could still see her through the glass door.She stood, there her hair curling wildly over her shoulders, wearing nothing she saw me and had a knowing smile.i just pulled my clothes off and walked into the shower with her She Tipped her head back, and traced her fingertips up my back.
Mc“The water’s cool.”
Jake“Too cool?”
Mc “No, it’s nice. And this is even better.” She rose up to her toes and kissed me. There was nothing cool in the kiss.I thought it was a wonder the water didn’t go to steam the way she heated My blood for every hour of the night I'd spent wanting her, worried for her, just spilled away.Her skin was Soft her eager mouth, and greedy hands in that moment, she gave me everything I  needed.
Jake“I’ve been wanting you since I had you.angel”
Mc " I've wanted you too"
Heat and need and pleasure mixed into my emotions The more i gave her, the more she wanted, and reveled in
her own appetite.


For him, just him, his hands, his  body. His mouth, patient and demanding at once, made my head spin.He hiked me up by the hips, bringing me off the shower floor. That surprising strength, the hard grip with roughness made me feel vulnerable, desirable, and powerful.My Eyes on his, i wrapped my legs around his waist, and dug my fingers into his shoulders when he plunged into me i was Shocked and thrilled and quivering for the next mad thrust. I bit into his shoulder leaving love bites all over him .Water striking, seeming to sizzle and spark against tile. Wet flesh slipping, sliding under my hands. And my own breathless gasps.I  felt weightless, wondrous, clinging to him as he whipped us both higher.
Jake“Hold on angel,” he groped to turn off the water.
Jake “Just hold on.”
Mc “Mmmm. I feel like I might slide right down the drain.” i  sensed his movement, and stayed wrapped around him even when he
dropped  both of us on the bed.
Jake“I need a minute angel you make me lose my mind ”
Mc “Take your time.”
Jake“I meant to. But you were naked and all wet . I'm sorry "
Mc " why i knew you'd follow me "
Jake " i love angel "
Mc " i love you too and I'm sorry i kinda got carried away in the moment "
Jake " about what ?"
Mc " umm you'll see "

I figured what is was because i felt it  i wasn't even mad i just looked at her sometimes i was surprised she was actually mine  she got off the bed and walked to the floor and picked up my t-shirt
Mc " can i wear this ?"
Jake " you don't have to ask me angel but why ? "
Mc " because i like smelling like you "
Hmm just then there was a knock on the other door so she pulled on my shirt and walked out of the room then she called for me
Mc " jake "
Jake " coming angel "
I didn't really think about it just wrapped a towel around my waist i didn't even look up i was busy looking at what she did to me to notice
Jake " Angel you're wearing my shirt no one is allowed to see you like that "
Mc " babe "
When I looked up, Grace was standing there .
Jake " excuse me one minute "
Fuck i walked back into the room and got another t-shirt
Jake " Angel please come here for a minute "
She walked back into the room and just stood there smiling at me
Jake " couldn't you have warned me?"
Mc " nope she was all smiles until she saw me so "
She just shrugged her shoulder and walked away
Jake " come into the office with me "
Mc " umm okay "
So I walked out of the room and Grace was just standing there .
Jake " office is this way you need to take some files back to the director "
Angel was already in the office sitting in the chair with her feet up
Jake " keep that up angel and you'll end up the same way you were 10 minutes ago "
She just smiled
I found the files and gave them to grace and took the vest and files from her all the while her eyes were on angel
Grace " this is your wife ?"
Mc " yes i am something wrong "
Grace " no I'm just surprised "
Jake " Why ?"
Grace " no reason , thank you I need to leave now "
Mc " Gerald will see you out bye "
After she left i sat on the desk to look at angel
Jake " you wanted her to see me like that didn't you ?"
Mc " of course,  besides she wants what is mine "
Jake " yes i am love ,and always will be beside I'm not interested i got everything i need right here "
I leaned forward and took her mouth unbeknownst to both of us  grace was still standing by the door . Just then we heard a knock i didn't move angel just looked around me
Mc " is something wrong ?"
Grace " i actually forgot a file "
I saw the file i looked at angel she just picked it up and walked over and handed it to her while smiling. When she walked out, Angel locked the door and stood there looking at me .

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