Together 2

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The hardest part of waiting was the not knowing i didn't know if he would get out  but i had to hope as i drove into the the airfield and waited for mac


This couldn't be good as opened the envelope the first note fell out why does she still care about what happens with them after i read Lilly's message i didn't know what to think anymore , what was Hannah up to now , why was she acting like this i already told her great one more problem to deal with. I walked over to the guard

Jake : i need to make a phone call

He just walked me over to the phone i dialled the number

Hannah : Jake, I knew you would call. I want to see you .

Jake : Hannah I'm in jail that's not possible. I already told you I'm your brother, you need to stop this nonsense now .

Hannah : if you weren't my brother you wouldn't be saying this .

Jake : Hannah even if i weren't your brother I still wouldn't feel that way about you , i love mc that's it you need help .

Hannah : for god's sake stop saying her name, what the hell is so good about her ? I don't need help, I need you to be by me .

This was going nowhere

Jake : that's it goodbye Hannah take care of yourself

I hung up why is she like that if Lilly had told her if i had told her before, all of this probably wouldn't be happening.this shit was hurting my head why doesn't Lilly and her parents understand she needs serious help .as the day dragged into the night it still bothered me as to why Lilly would come all the way here instead of taking care if her sister .

I had a fitful night. I couldn't sleep. I got maybe two hours of sleep the entire night. I woke up feeling drained. I just hoped that I could get out of here . After having a crappy breakfast i went back to my cell i didn't want to be around anyone

Guard : jake you got a hearing i need to put you in cuffs i know you're not violent but they will be expecting it

I stood up and allowed him to do it there wasn't anything i could do about it anyway

Guard :  lets go

Jake : it's only 9 in the morning

Guard : all the better .

He led me into a room there was a long desk with six individuals sitting there including the director  one single chair facing the table

Director : have a seat

So i sat down

Inquirer : So we have your reports here. It seems like you've been keeping to yourself and out of trouble the warden tells us you're not violent or troublesome.

Jake : I'm not

They grilled me with questions for what seemed like hours asking what I intended to do if I was let out. I simply told them I was offered a job with the FBI and I would take it .

Inquirer : very well then

They seemed to be thinking it over and i kept praying I would be released after what seemed like eternity the inquirer spoke

Inquirer : you will be granted release on probation anymore hacking and you will serve a full year. Is that understood?

Jake : yes ma'am

Inquirer : very well then your papers will be processed and you will be released later today .

Jake : Thank you .

As the guard came over to take me back to my cell i was still in shock did that really happen as i got to The cell he took the cuffs off i was still shocked at how fast I could leave this all behind. I didn't even see the director walk up

Director : so how do you feel

Jake : When I'm finally out of these walls then I'll believe it .

Director : That's fair, will you call her or should I ?

Jake : please call her

Director : ok just 2 hours and then you'll be a free man

Jake : Thank you for everything , how soon do you need me to start working?

Director : I'll give you two weeks to get everything together and then we'll talk

Jake : okay

Director : I'll go give her a call and get your paperwork started .


I was nervous as hell i was pacing back and forth mac has probably told me fifty times in the last hour to calm down i just couldn't , is it possible will we would finally be able to be together forever , was this it just then my phone started ringing and  my hands started shaking

Mac : calm down and answer it

Mc : hello

Director : you will need to be at the prison in two hours he's being released

I let out a breath of air, i didn't realize i was holding my breath

Director : mc

Mc : sorry I'm here I'll be there thank you

Director : no problem he seems to be a good kid just make sure he stays out of trouble okay .

Mc : don't worry i will

After i ended the call i just looked at mac he was going to he free i couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time

Mac : what happened

Mc : he'll be released in two hours

Mac : aren't you happy ?

Mc : i am

Mac : then why are you crying

Mc : I'm happy it's over we can finally put this nightmare behind us

Mac : Well then I'll call and have the jet ready to take us back home . Why don't you contact the landlord and take care of the agreement for the apartment .

Mc : i will

I went about packing up my stuff  i called the woman to let her know we'll be leaving today after cleaning up the apartment making sure everything was they way i found as time grew closer to the two hour mark i got more nervous  mac and i got into the car and started driving my nerves got the best of me a part of me  was scared that if i got there something would happen and he wouldn't be released , as we pulled up to the prison mac parked the car and got out i was still trembling i couldn't help it there was a knock in the window i looked up and  saw mac he didn't saw anything he just nodded his head in the direction of the gates i was scared to look up when i finally did i saw him walking towards us i got out and ran over to him i couldn't help it I started crying.

Jake : Angel

Mc : please don't ever leave me again

Jake : i won't i promise let's go home

I just nodded and we walked over to the car

Jake : good to see you mac

Mac : good to see you too let's go shall we, the jet is already here.

Jake : Where are we going?

Mc : we're going Home Jake we're going home .

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