Chapter 13

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We laid there for almost all of the fight he fell asleep he's been asleep for more than one hour i laid there looking at him he was scruffy he needed a haircut  he was tired i know  he's been  stressed out about Hannah and the baby and everything else i just wanted him happy just then there was a knock at the door i pulled on the t-shirt and the hoodie it was longer than the shirt when i opened it ,mac was standing there
Mc " what's wrong ?"
He just looked behind me
Mc " he's asleep "
Mac " your father called me he said the director called him to let us know they found Hannah as she was about to leave Duskwood .what should they do about her ?"
He whispered it to me
Mc " i want them to evaluate her  i want to know whether she's insane or not i need to know whether it's all an act or not .they need to keep her  i want them to bring her to us on Sunday "
Mac " Are you sure about this miss ?"
Mc " yes mac i am "
Mac " ok I'll let them know "
Mc " mac make sure no one else knows okay "
Mac " don't worry it will be taken care of "
Just then he was starting to turn so I quietly closed the door and went back and laid next to him looking at him.
Jake " i feel you angel "
Mc " feel what ?"
Jake " when you're looking at me "
He said it while smiling i could look at him all day especially when he's smiling
Jake " you know what i want angel ?"
Mc " no tell me what you want ?"
Jake " i want a bike "
Say what now he wanted a bike
Mc " i have one "
He opened his eyes instantly
Jake " when and would you have ever told me ? Where is it ?"
I started laughing he was acting like a teenager
Jake " you're mocking me "
Mc " no I'm not babe ,i wanted it for my 18 birthday so dad bought it for me , it's in the garage all the way at the back under some Tarps
Jake " you're not allowed to ride it not now , besides I'll buy one myself "
Mc " better don't let dad hear you or he'll buy it before you do "
Jake " don't say anything angel "
Mc " i won't "

She was already wearing the t-shirt and hoodie she looked good like that
She just stood there looking at me
Mc " sure I'll wear this without any shorts or jeans around phil "
Shit i didn't think about that .
Jake " stay far away from phil "
Mc " Do you honestly still think i would be interested in phil after being with you all this time ?"
Jake " No sorry angel it's just old insecurities besides you look good like this "
she simply wrapped her hands around me and looked up at me .
Mc " no one else just you always remember that "
Just then there was a knock when i opened it mac was standing there
Mac " we're starting our descent "
Jake " thanks mac "
I realized she hadn't eaten anything
Jake " come on angel lets get you something to eat "
Mc " But I don't feel hungry "
Jake " Doesn't matter let's go "
I knew there was a small kitchen on the jet so I left her sitting there and went to get something for her to eat i made her a sandwich and made sure she ate it after we landed and we got off she made a mad dash for some bushes not far away shit so much for feeding her mac walked over with two bottles of water after the rinsed out her mouth and face i looked at her she had this strange look on her face
Jake " What's wrong ?"
Mc " if i keep throwing up like that around the others it won't take them long to figure it out "
Jake " Doesn't matter if they know anyway , besides I'm not letting you out of my sight "
Mc " jake "
Jake " yes angel "
Mc " are you wearing the vest ?"
Jake " yes i am "
We got into the limo and took off for Duskwood mac was sitting up front with the driver she just placed her head in my lap  and laid there while she laid there i played with her hair
Jake " I'm sorry "
Mc " why ?"
Jake " if i had remembered protection you wouldn't be in this condition throwing up "
Mc " I'm not sorry and neither should you "
She laid quietly for the rest of the ride until we got to the Aurora  it was now 3 in the afternoon
Jake " wait here with Mac I'll be back "
She just nodded i walked into the bar and saw Jessica
Jake " how are you Jessica "
Jessy " I'm fine "
Jake " i need something from you "
Jessy " oh umm okay where's mc ?"
Jake " she's out in the limo she had an accident and her clothes got dirty she needs a shorts to wear before i let anyone near her "
I wasn't going to tell them anything she just looked at me and smiled
Jessy " why don't you go talk to the others I'll take it to her or they'll probably have questions "
Jake " thank you "
So I walked over to the rest of them
Jake " how is everyone holding up "
Richy " we could be doing better "
Cleo " where's mc ? Are you okay Jake?"
Jake " yes I'm fine "
Just then I saw Jessica walk back into the bar and just nodded her head  then angel walked in .
Phil " well well congratulations "
Mc " thank you phil "
Cleo " oh my god i slipped my mind congratulations you two "
Phil " So when's the honeymoon ?"
Jake " Are you all ready the jet is waiting for us ?"
Thomas " i know i am "
As they headed outside ok i looked at mac to let him watch angel and the others i pulled Lilly aside she had been quiet she had bandages on her hands Hannah really did a number on her.
Jake " i honestly hope you're not lying to me in order to help Hannah hurt mc Because if you are i won't be nice about it "
Lilly " I'm not big brother I'm really sorry but believe me i have nothing to do with Hannah anymore "
Jake " okay let's go "
I walked out and got into the limo. Phil was the last to get in when he got in he had a bottle of champagne.
Phil " Okay let's go . we're celebrating "
Thomas " celebrating what ?"
Phil " well mc and jake got married isn't that worth celebrating "
He started opening the champagne and pouring it out into glasses for everyone where he found it was beyond me just the she leaned over and whispered in my ears
Mc " jake i can't drink "
Just then Jessy handed her a glass
Mc " I can't "
Richy " neither can i "
Cleo " why mc is everything fine "
Mc " yes but I'm still taking some medication and i can't have anything alcohol "
Richy " same here my pain meds forbid me from drinking "
Phil " You're no fun "
Mc " oh please , Thomas , jessy ,cleo and Jake are drinking with you "
I leaned over and whispered in her ears
Jake " why did you lie angel ?"
Mc " i just want it to be us for a while "
I just smiled at her if she didn't want anyone knowing about the baby as yet then that was okay with me .

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