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Jake's POV

where the hell am I, I slowly open my eyes I was on a bed where the hell was I what happened I remember I was with her and then everything went black as I got up I noticed I was in a room but when I looked behind me the window it was a planes window crap I can't no she wouldn't do that to me she wouldn't give me up I was about to head outside I heard her voice she was talking to a man asking him for a doctor I could barely hear them but I can make out certain words I knew it was her voice she was telling him no one should know asking to trust her the man saying something about good head on shoulder I couldn't make out anything that was saying my head was hurting I was too drowsy how did I get here no no no she wouldn't look at my face she wouldn't do that would she I went back to the bed there were there were a whole bunch of bags in here where was my back she was shopping these are her bags what the hell is she doing I couldn't think now my head was beginning to hurt again I was going to black out I guess that is what happens when you don't eat and you don't sleep God my head was killing me and just like that I blacked out.


We got to the island at 4:00 a.m. I told Mac to leave Jake in the guest house at the back that way I wouldn't be where he was I wouldn't see him I went over to the main house and got into my room God this was all crazy this was going to a mess I know I wanted him with me but not like this what if something happens to him what am I going to tell Lilly God I walked back outside and headed to the beach I sat there making sure no one came Mac left to get the doctor 20 minutes later I saw the boat coming back I could tell Mac from a distance because of his size he introduced me to the doctor the doctor asked me where the patient was mac took him I pulled back aside long enough to say to him

MC : if he is awake tell him I didn't see his face and no one knows where he is he's safe here tell him I'll speak to him tonight please

mac : sure I will stop worrying everything will be fine

Mac left and went with the doctor they were in there for what seems like ours that they came back out mac just nodded at me and he left to take the doctor back to the other Island when I came back he had a bag full of pills and what's not I have no idea

MC : is he okay

Mac : well the doctor said he is sleep deprived and he hasn't been eating he suffering from my malnutrition

I sat down into the chair that was exactly what was happening with me that was what I was going through because of him I missed him and he missed me if we didn't he wouldn't be in this condition it was all my fault I was the one that forced him to leave

Mac : are you okay

MC : I'm fine it's just he's like that because of me

mac : he's going to be fine I'll just go take this inside and wait for him to wake up

MC ::okay I'm going to go get started on making dinner for us

Mac : you don't need to do that I can do that

MC : no it's okay

Mc : I want to it'll take my mind off worrying

I headed inside to make dinner he needed to eat and so did I he would be safe here we would both be safe here mom thinks I went to the family Island but I didn't this is my Island my dad bought it for me it's hidden away from every single thing you wouldn't expect it to be there it was surrounded by tall trees I got started on making dinner I was going to make some pot roast with all the trimmings


I opened my eyes I was in another bed every time I open my eyes I was in a different bed but this one was in a house I tried to sit up but my head was paining I started looking around and then I saw a huge black guy in a chair

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