chapter 23

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She's now five months pregnant and showing I don't know what she's trying to do if she's trying to kill me or make me go insane but  i love her the same and more everyday. She has this glow on her face every day. She looked amazing. Sometimes I stare at her in wonder and can't help but feel thankful that I met her.  but her antic's i can do without. It's usually her mother who instigates the things that make me mad ,her father is at his wit's end, her latest adventure is what has us here right now . she's been eating some of the weirdest things i left her home this morning and headed out i had to go to the head office before i left i specifically told her if she wants to go anywhere mac can take her she said she wouldn't go anywhere so i left i usually drove the SUV to the airfield because it was better for me you can imagine my surprise while i was heading home and an Audi sped past me in traffic stopping at the red light when i pulled up next to it i realized it was mine i couldn't see who was driving it so i figured it was mac as soon as the light turned green he took off I've never seen him drive like that i pulled in through the gates just in time to see MC getting out of the car alone .she was driving and that fast i didn't even pull up to the door i stopped the SUV halfway up the drive and made a beeline for her  when she saw me she froze .
Mc " jake i can explain "
She could explain doing 100 in traffic
Jake " you know what MC don't "
I left her standing there and walked inside the only time i usually called her MC was if i was mad or it was something serious what the hell was she thinking i walked into the kitchen
Jake " Gerald where is everyone ?"
Gerald " the older sir and madam had to leave for an emergency sir's great aunt had an accident "
Jake " where is Mac ?"
Gerald " the young miss sent him to buy something for her "
Jake " thank you Gerald "
I left him and went to our apartment she was sitting in the living room i just walked into the room i needed a shower she sent mac away so she could go joy riding after my shower i came out she was standing in the room ,
Mc " I'm sorry "
I wasn't going to answer her it wasn't her anymore she was carrying my child our child if something happened to her on that road and no one was there then what "
Mc " I'm really sorry Jake "
Jake " No MC you're not because you'll do it again , did you stop to think after Hannah made you lose our first child I swore i would always protect you how can i protect you when you're putting yourself in danger ?"
I couldn't be around her. I was too angry at her .
Mc " i saw  Dan on the security camera he was outside by the gate after he left i followed him , I'm sorry "
Wait what the fuck Dan why is he showing up now ?
Jake " why didn't you call mac "
She started crying i knew it was her hormones and i knew she couldn't help it
Mc " i asked mac to get me Ice cream and Chinese food I'm sorry "
I pulled her over to me
Jake " come here it's okay you shouldn't have followed him  suppose that's was what he wanted "
Mc " what do you mean ?"
Jake " what if he wanted you to see him then follow him he could have hurt you "
She was hiccuping now
Mc " I'm sorry i don't mean to cry all the time i just "
She didn't even know how to explain herself. I wanted to laugh but I didn't. The last time I laughed at her she kicked me out of our apartment then she came looking for me at two AM. I was in my office  and when she couldn't find mi she started crying.
Then there was a knock on the front door. I left her sitting on the bed and went to answer it.
Mac " Here's her food , what happened?"
I guess he saw my face so I explained to him what happened .
Mac " I'll check the security tapes "
I needed to trace Dan, him showing up after all this time couldn't be good .
Jake " Angel your food is here "
She just walked out like nothing happened and took the food and started eating
Mc " Come eat with me "
I walked over to her and took one of the boxes .
Jake " where is this from ?"
Mc " the Chinese restaurant we went to "
I just looked at her .
Jake " How can you eat so much love?"
Mc " I'm eating for two "
We could have found out what we were having but I told the doctor we don't want to know but my mother-in-law knows everyone knows except us Lilly and the girls are planning a baby shower with her mother and we've Been told not to interfere we just have to show up . just then my phone started ringing phil was calling
Jake " hello Phil "
Phil " where's mc ?"
Jake " my wife is right here eating ,what is it ?"
Phil " Dan showed up in Duskwood a few days ago i think but he's been making an appearance everyone has seen him but he just leaves never talks to them or anything "
Jake " He showed up here but i wasn't home she saw him through the cameras ,"
Phil " he's up to something after all this time he chooses now to show up ?"
Jake " my thoughts exactly "
Phil " anyway i just wanted to give you a heads up the baby shower is in a few Days we'll see you then "
Jake " thanks Phil "
She was looking at me
Jake " what ?"
Mc " he showed up in Duskwood didn't he ?"
Jake " yes he did "
Mc " He's probably pissed
Jake " what do you mean ?"
Mc "well, I mean he basically warned me to stay away from you  and here I am married to you about to have a child,he warned all of us to stay away from you . Jessy stood him up because of me now Jessy and Thomas are together and he's probably feeling like we all betrayed him. He wanted us to believe he wasn't at fault for his accident but when we didn't he got mad too . He's probably blaming me for Hannah's condition. If Dan had his way I would have never joined the group ,maybe you'd be in jail ,Hannah I don't know and Jessy would probably be with him . At least that's the way I think Dan is thinking and feeling .

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