the Island 2

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I honestly couldn't be any happier the fact that he chose to show me what he looks like means he trusts me but what happens when we find Hannah . While walking back to the house i couldn't help but think all of this I mean he told me Hannah is his half sister and literally lilly also mentioned that Hannah had fell in love with him when they used to talk to each other but what if he had loved her also what if he feels the same way about her what happens when we find her  will lilly tell her that Jake is her half brother what what is the condition she will be in because we know she's suffering from depression will she be able to tolerate it I couldn't help but think this I wanted to ask him but I just couldn't I couldn't bring myself to ask him that

Jake : what's wrong

MC : nothing is  wrong

Jake : no something is wrong you're pulling away from me

MC :  I didn't realize I was doing that sorry

Jake :  since I've been spending time with you I have learned to read you very properly what is it

MC : it's nothing to worry about it we should hurry and get back I need to make dinner

Jake : why do you do that when you don't want to talk about something you just change the topic

MC : I'm not changing the topic that's your way also when you don't want to answer something you always went offline

Jake :  we're here now so we can't hide talk to me Angel what is it

MC : I couldn't help but think do you love Hannah

Jake : what no she's my half sister

MC :; it matters not that she's your half sister remember you and Lilly both said you used to talk to Hannah Lilly also said she had a fell in love with you I was just wondering maybe you felt the same way about her that's why you're doing everything to find her

Jake : let me see if I get this right you think that I love Hannah and I'm just using you to find her and once I find her I'll just leave you is that right

MC : something like that

Jake : I can see where that thinking can lead you but no I already told you I love you and you alone no one else I've never felt that way about Hannah the minute I  realized  she was falling in love with me I cut off all connection with her I stopped texting her I stayed away from her because I didn't feel that way about her I wanted to find her because she and lilly are basically the only family that I have that is why

MC : but what happens when we do find her we don't know what condition she will be in we don't even know if Lilly will want to tell her that you're half brother all she will know is that you found her she asked you for help and you did that you found her and then what happens no one is going to want to say anything to upset her I'm sure Lilly won't say anything to upset her sister because she's been through so much and neither will you so where does that leave me and you

Jake : it leaves us right where we are right now we love each other and no matter what happens I'm not going to stay away from you do you understand me angel

MC : yeah sure

Jake :  I see you don't believe me

MC : let's just forget about it we'll deal with that when the time comes

Jake :  no we'll deal with it now I don't want you to have any doubt that I'm using you just to find Hannah I love you and I'm not going to leave you I may have to leave you for a while when we get back to the real world but when I say leave you I mean I'm not going to stop loving you and I Won't Give You Up and I will talk to Lilly the minute we find Hannah , Hannah has to know i promise you

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