Confrontation 3

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The  man standing in front of me was the last person i wanted to see , he was also to be blamed for the whole fiscao , if he didn't know who i really was i wasn't about to tell him either.

Jake : Yes, can I help you with something ?

Mr Donfort : Are you Jake ?

Jake : Who wants to know ?

Mr Donfort : yes or no ?

Jake : yes

Mr Donfort : If you didn't love my daughter why did you speak to her all those years ago , you're the reason she's going insane , what does my daughter lack  ? Is it because she was kidnapped? Is that why you want nothing to do with her ?

Was he fucking crazy how could this man be my father ? Lilly didn't tell him who i really was . Maybe he needs to know so he'll understand better.

Jake : Mr Donfort  i am engaged to be married , i love my fiancée  i never felt that way about Hannah that is why i stopped speaking to her , she texted me when she needed help. My fiancée  and even Hannah's friends did everything we could to find her .Now Hannah and Lilly have been calling my fiancee and creating problems . Hannah needs help so instead of coming to me and asking me questions , get your daughter the help she needs.

Mr Donfort : can't you at least pretend to love her ? Just until she gets better.

Jake : No, absolutely not  , Hannah destroyed one of my cars because she saw us out for dinner .

Mr Donfort : She's my daughter, why don't you people understand she is not crazy, she just loves you .

Jake : look this is starting to piss me off ok i  never loved her , and can never love her because I'm your fucking son.

There i said it now everything was out in the open . He just looked at me and I could see the way he was thinking .

Mr Donfort : That's not possible she would have told me. Now I see it when I look at you. You have her eyes.

Jake : I don't want to see you or your daughter's get Hannah the help she needs and I'm warning you if Hannah goes after mc I will make sure she pays for it all if you will pay for it

Just then Hannah moved from the side of the door. How long was she standing there ?

Hannah : He's lying dad right he is not really my brother is he ?

Mr Donfort : he is , Hannah you need a doctor you need help he can't be with you ,he is already married , you need to stop this nonsense now .

She started backing away

Hannah : you're both lying , i hate you both i won't ever give up on you jake if that bitch isn't around it will be better .

She started running away

Jake : If Hannah so much as hurt a hair on her i will destroy your entire family .

I just slammed the door in his face .This was all going to hell. What the hell do I do now ? I grabbed a quick shower and walked over to Mac's room and knocked on the door after he opened it immediately

Mac : Is everything okay ?

Jake : yea I'm heading over to her right now

Mac : okay I'll come with you

Jake : you know you don't have to

After 5 minutes my phone started ringing she was calling

Jake : morning angel

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