Finally 2

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He placed the ring on my finger. This was surreal. I couldn't believe it. I pulled him up and kissed him. All of a sudden I heard people clapping. When I looked around I saw my parents , mac and Gerald and some of the other staff members my mom walked over  and hugged me.

Mom : Congratulations sweetheart, I'm so  happy . For you.

Mc : i am pretty happy  too

Mac : Congratulations miss , congratulations jake you did good.

Jake : thank you mac for all of your help today

Mr mc : congratulations all around sweetheart we need to get going or we'll miss that event .

Mrs mc : oh yes

Mr mc : so you're now engaged how do you feel .

Mc : Happy

Mr mc : well how about this weekend we host an engagement party ? What do you think jake.

Jake : What do you want, Angel?

Mc : can we please , i want to get jessy and the others here to celebrate.

Jake : Well then we'll have a party.

Mr mc : Okay then I'll leave you too I have to get going.

That was sneaky  suddenly What happened earlier didn't matter anymore. I was beyond happy. He was mine. I could wait. I wasn't in a hurry anymore.


She was mine. I didn't have that feeling of losing her anymore now she would understand that she means the world to me.

Jake : How about we go get some Chinese food Angel

Mc : yes

Jake : Mac we're heading out

Mac : Be Careful

Mc : isn't mac coming with us

Jake : no he's off for the evening besides your with me

Mc : yes i am , I'm sorry for how i behaved earlier .

Jake : I know and I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you like that but when you do that I really do have a hard time  controlling myself .

Mc : I'm sorry

Jake : Doesn't matter anymore besides I was only waiting until you had my ring on now there's nothing stopping me .

She stopped walking and was staring at me.

Jake : what's wrong let's go angel

Mc : I don't want food

Jake : no angel we're getting food we have a lot of time

She started walking dragging her feet i started laughing she was adorable we got into the car i started it  and drove out i found the perfect Chinese restaurant .when we got there we walked in and took a table at the back then a waiter came over and took our orders there was quite a crowd I started  looking around then I realized  half the guys in there were staring at her, of course they were she was beautiful ,  i looked around glaring at them and they started looking away . She was oblivious to all of the stares ,I realized I didn't like the looks other men were giving her . Thank god she had my ring on.  i took off my black hoodie and gave it to her

Jake : wear this angel

Mc : okay

She ordered the ramen bowl. I went for the chow mein every now and then  she would steal a piece from my bowl. I just looked at her, shook my head and smiled. She was happy, carefree come to think of it and so was I . But I had one dark cloud hanging over me, Hannah and lilly.

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