chapter 4

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Ever since hannah attacked me in the hospital i knew it wouldn't stop she wouldn't stop so i had one choice to leave. Jake wouldn't leave me so i had to do it , It was going to hurt me like hell to be away from him. But if we weren't together then she'll leave him alone . I enlisted the help of Shannon she was the only person who knew what i was doing she wouldn't say a word to anyone so i signed my house and car over to her ,she sold it for me , I emptied out my bank account .  I knew when I would get home and knew when Jake would start working so I had her come and wait for me A few  houses away I would meet her there . I planned to go to Austin Texas and start life over , no phones , no bank account  , nothing in my name because jake would find it .so a few days  while i was still in the hospital i had her buy a house and another car for me in her name .i would get a local job and keep my head down .
After we got home from the hospital he was pulling away that night when I found out Hannah escaped. I knew I was doing the right thing . The days that followed he was distant  But what confirmed it was when he went to work and came back he lied to me when phil called. I heard everything . That was the first time I ever spoke to him like that after i locked him out i called Shannon to make sure she was there my left foot was broken i could still drive after two hours in the room i took a shower and left the shower on i packed a bag  and set it behind the door i knew my parents weren't home so i opened the door he was in the office he left the door open but he fell asleep in the chair so i picked the bag up damn it was hard walking in a cast with a heavy bag i walked out quietly and closed it i turned around to look at him and just whispered  " i love you I'll always love you jake i wish it was different " i walked into the living room and out the door this was it no turning back .after i made it down the stairs that took forever i went to the garage and got into my car i would drive to the shopping centre and leave the car there  i made sure there weren't cameras or jake would find me . After i drove to the gate i handed the letter I wrote for Jake and gave it to the guard
Mc " make sure jake gets this he has to meet me " he just nodded and opened the gate i drove the short distance to the small shopping centre when i got there Shannon was already there  i wore one of his hoodie i wanted that with me . When she saw me she got out and helped me. She grabbed my bag and helped me into the car .
Mc " thank you for doing this Shannon"
Shannon " I just want you to be safe and happy , i know it's hard for you to walk away from him are you sure ?"
Mc " yes i am "
Shannon " ok why don't you close your eyes and rest we have a really long drive "
Mc " okay thank you "
She would drive me to Texas. I didn't want to take any chances of Jake finding me because he could hack his way through anything. That is why i called Shannon no messages .i wanted to cry i felt like i was missing a part of me . I missed him already . But it was for the best .
I couldn't sleep even though i tried i just stared out of the window and cried silently because i was leaving a part of me behind.


It was no use now i didn't need to be here she was gone she left me , I felt like i was incomplete something was missing i just walked away leaving her parents standing there i went back upstairs and packed up my laptop and everything i would need I grabbed some clothes and the car keys and went back downstairs
Mr mc " And just where do you think you're going "
Jake " leaving she's not here so i have no reason to ne here ,she left me she gave up on us . Here are the keys to the car " i just handed it to him but he wouldn't take it .
Mr mc " my daughter is headstrong , yes she's gone and that just means you have to find her , besides you came here as our intended son-in-law and that's the way it will stay .
Mrs mc " go back to your apartment and get some rest "
Jake " okay "
Mr mc " Don't do it jake , she's already gone please don't leave .if you really love her you'll fight for her , you'll find her even if she doesn't want to be found . If I'm correct then she's feeling the same way you are and it wasn't easy for her to leave get soke rest and we'll figure out what to do tomorrow"
I just nodded and headed upstairs they still wanted me here even though she ran away i needed to find her and fast.

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