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 We drove on our way to the apartment. No one said anything Jessy kept  turning around to look at me, hell even I wanted to know what just happened . As we pulled up to the house mac and I headed inside and we left phil and jessy outside they needed to talk as we got in the door i looked at mac 

Mc : what's going on mac 

Mac : phil is to stay here with us for a while 

Mc : no look i appreciate that Jake wants to do this but no phil has a life to get back to and i don't think jessy will approve of this.

Mac : leave that to phil 

Just then my phone started ringing i didn't know that number so i answered the operator said i was getting a call from an inmate of course he was going to call 

Mc : yes Jake 

Jake : How did you know it was me?

Mc : well you're the only person in prison that's going to call me.

Jake : Fair enough, are you ok?

Mc : yes i am

Jake : i can please speak to Mac .

Mc : sure 

I handed mac the phone and walked into the kitchen all i heard mac say was yes and no nothing else just at that moment phil and jessy walked in and she came over to me and hugged me 

Mc : what's that for 

Jessy : I'll miss you , I'm going home. Phil told me everything . Please be careful .

Mc : thank you jessy you really are a real friend don't worry phil will be home in a week i promise .

Jessy : Thank you, I need to pack. He's going to take me to the airport .

Mc : ok 

When I turned around, Phil was on the phone. All I heard him say was she'll be fine and then he hung up .

Phil : So you wanna tell me why you lied to me when we had met in duskwood ?

Mc : actually no i don't 

Phil : Come on, you owe me that at least .

Mc : I lied because i didn't want anyone knowing i was in duskwood nat that time . Especially Jake .

At that moment Jessy came out with her suitcase 

Jessy : i'm ready 

Phil : ik let's go 

Mac : Why don't we all take a drive.

Mc : I really do want to but i need some sleep i have a serious headache 

Jessy : that's okay phil can take me 

Phil : I wish I don't have my license 

Mc : it's no problem mac will drive you guys 

Mac : And you're going to stay here alone ? Sorry miss i can't do that

Mc : Mac I'll be fine I'll be locking the doors and going to sleep .

Mac : are you sure 

Mc : yes I'm sure 

They left i walked into my room and grabbed the towel I needed a shower something for my headache and my bed i was tired mentally physically and emotionally after my shower i walked in the room at the same time i got a message 

Mac: i left something on your bed be careful 

and then  i saw the gun  he knew i was capable of using one and my aim was good why were they so worried it's not like anyone was going to come in here during daylight hours this was getting ridiculous after making sure the safety was on i placed it under my pillow i grabbed some tylenol and headed back to my room i was out pretty fast i was with jake we were back on the island laughing and talking then something fell i woke up at that point . someone was outside in the living room i was about to call out but realized if it was mac he would let me know he's back to i grabbed my phone and saw mac had texted 5 messages 13 missed call 

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