chapter 9

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When we got into the hotel room i left her on the bed i walked back outside to find mac
Jake " what are you doing ?"
Mac " My job I'll be here go sleep "
Jake " mac I don't think she'll come here "
Mac " Doesn't matter go sleep "
He was hard headed. He pushed me back into the room and closed the door. When I looked at her she was already asleep. I couldn't sleep because there was too much going on in my head. I just layed there next to her. I needed to decide where I would send her if she wanted to go to Texas. She already has a place there . She'll have to stay inside . They'll be expecting Mac to be with her
Mc " i can hear you thinking babe you need to sleep "
Jake " I thought you were asleep ?"
Mc " just closed my eyes too much to think about besides it already morning"
Jake " get some rest angel you have an appointment at 10 "
Mc " i know but I'm thinking "
Jake " nope no thinking when you think it usually involves me staying away from you "
Mc " babe listen to me im serious "
Jake " so am i "
Mc " jake please "
The way she said it, I knew she was serious this time.
Jake " okay tell me "
Mc " she won't stop there is only one option "
Jake " and what is that ?"
Mc " you need to be gone , disappear forever "
Jake " say what now "
Mc " Do you trust me ?"
Jake " you know i do "
Mc " would you trust me with your life "
Jake " you are my life angel "
Mc " then let me take care of this "
Jake " what do you mean ?"
Mc " it means I'll take care of this "
I honestly hope she was joking i tried to get her to explain to me but she wasn't saying anything we just laid there in silence it was starting to get light
Jake " angel "
Mc " yes "
Jake " Marry me  "
Mc " we're already engaged "
Jake " i know but i want it to be legal let's go to the courthouse and get married today , after this is over we'll have a big wedding and anything else you want "
Mc " why so suddenly?"
Jake " I just feel uneasy. Will you do that for me ?"
Mc " of course but you'll have to tell my parents "
Jake "i will "
I needed her to be mine she already was but making it legal means she can't leave me ever i won't give her the chance to besides she was pregnant i wanted to marry her before our child was born I need this shit to end fast.

I knew what i was doing there was only two ways this would go either Hannah loses her mind completely  or she gives up on Jake totally i would need the help of the director and i would need to  do it in the open in front of everyone
Jake " call everyone in Duskwood to come over this weekend we'll fly them out . Tell them we're getting married "
Jake " Angel what are you doing you know she'll show up "
Mc " i want her to "
Jake " I'm not doing that i won't put you in harm's way or our child "
Mc " trust me "
I really hope I was doing the right thing. I'll give Hannah every chance to get to me. She'll do it as long as she hears that she'll show herself. I'll need to talk to Mac ,my dad and the director. I won't even tell Jake what I'm about to do. We laid there for a few hours not saying anything then we heard a knock on the door he pulled the cover over me
Jake " it's open come in "
Mac " morning breakfast is here ,and the director is at home waiting for you "
Jake " thanks mac you'll stay here with her and I'll be back to take her to the hospital "
I needed to talk to Mac alone so it was fine with me . After Mac  left he gave me a bath. We had breakfast together. He gave me a kiss and left. I just sat there looking at mac .
Mc " i need my gun mac "
Mac " and why is that ?"
Mc " Because I'm going to kill jake "
Mac " you're joking right ?"
I didn't answer him i just looked at him and explained what i wanted to do
Mac " you may have a point there , does he know ?"
Mc " no he may not take it well i need the director to be there when it happens and i want you to tell dad . I won't be able to say anything around jake"
Mac " and the bulletproof vest ?"
Mc " get the director to make something up in order for him to wear it "
Mac " are you sure she'll turn up "
Mc " either she turns up herself or we find her and bring her there "
Mac " okay it'll take jake a while to get there let's call now "
Mac called my dad after i explained everything my dad was hesitant he felt i would hurt someone else
Mc " dad i would never do anything to hurt Jake or anyone else but this is the only way "
Director " well we usually do stuff like this but how do i convince him to wear a vest ?"
Mc " simple explain to him the information he turned in there are other people out for him it's for his protection "
Director " I'll try he's here "
Mc " Dad Don't tell him i mean it "
Mr mc " fine i won't say anything i promise "


They were on the phone

Jake " good morning "
Director " Morning Jake, you're father-in-law explained everything to me , so you want to find her ?"
Jake " she has gone completely insane my fiancee is pregnant I can't allow anything to happen to her or our child "
Director " very well then there's a small problem "
Jake " meaning ?"
Director " the agent that you sent away had a partner and he's after you I'll need you to wear a bulletproof vest at all times when you're out in the open "
Jake " you're joking right ?"
Director " I'm afraid not , you just said it yourself you're fiancee is pregnant you have a child on the way i can't allow anything to happen to you we are closing in on him it's just for a short while and I'm sure you're fiancee and in-laws will feel better "
Mr mc " please jake "
Jake " sure are we finished i need to get back to her she has an appointment with the doctor  "
Mr mc " yes I'll handle everything else"
Jake " there's something else "
Mr Mc " what is it ?"
Jake " i want to marry her , today at the courthouse "
Mr Mc " why so suddenly ?"
Jake " i just need to we can have a ceremony and whatever else she wants when this is all behind us "
Mr mc " okay let us know the time and we'll be there "
Jake " thank you "
I said my goodbyes and left this was fucking marvelous first Hannah now another asshole will my life ever be normal ?

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