Chapter 5

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Meanwhile in Duskwood

Why was this happening ? We found her. Hannah dragged us into this mess. I felt  so sorry for richy now he was in the hospital again  as I walked into the hospital room , cleo and Thomas were already there . Richy was laughing. How could he be laughing at a time like this?
Jessy " Hey how are you feeling ?"
Richy " could be worse "
Thomas " Did Alan visit you as yet ?"
Richy " no he'll be here sometime today "
Just then alan walked in
Alan " morning sorry for disturbing you so early but i want to know what happened ?"
Richy " someone tried to kill me that's what happened "
Alan " why do you think someone tried to kill you "
Richy " because i  was alone and then i wasn't
Alan " ok explain to me what happened"
Richy " fine i gave Jessy the day off because she wasn't feeling well besides it's kinda slow on Saturday i can't remember the exact time but Phil called me to tell me be careful because Hannah had attacked her sister. So i closed up the garage as i was alone and started on the car the engine needed work so i  lifted it up and got under the engine after maybe and hour or so i heard something fall when looked out on the floor there was someone there they had on a pair of black sneakers so i called out but no answer i saw the person walk over to the car jack and kick it i barely pulled myself out in time "
Jessy " oh my god "
Thomas " you didn't see who it was ?"
Richy " no they ran off "
Alan " ok we'll start looking into it " after Alan left we all just looked at each other this  wasn't good .
Thomas " has anyone called MC or Jake ?"
Cleo " i forgot i ran into phil he told me he called jake but that was earlier "
Thomas " why don't you call MC and talk to her "
Richy " jessy you call "
I dialled MC's number after the third ring someone answered
Jessy " Mc ?"
Jake " No she's not here "
Jessy " where is she ?"
Jake " she left "
Wait what i put the phone on speaker
Jessy " Jake, what do you mean she left? "
Jake " yesterday after Phil called we had an argument ,she locked herself in our room. I fell asleep and when I went to check on her she was gone ."
Thomas " where did she go ?"
Jake " I don't know she left a note saying she's not coming back not to look for her "
Richy " shit sorry dude "
Jake " she didn't call any of you to let you know anything did she ?"
Cleo " no she didn't if she did we would have told you "
Jake " how are you richy ?"
Richy " I'm alive, forget about me aren't you going to find her ? "
Jake " I'm trying she didn't leave a trace she knows I'll look so she's. Hiding pretty good "
Jessy " just find her please "
Thomas " we're here if you want to talk or need help "
Jake " thanks feel better richy "
After i hung up i just looked at them
Thomas " why would she do that ?"
Jessy " because she doesn't want people to be worried about her this whole situation with Hannah is too much for her and i know jake is worried about her "
Cleo " but she loves him how could she leave"
Thomas " she does she's probably hurting being away from him "
Richy " this is all Hannah's fault ,sorry Thomas "
Thomas " no you're right  she just doesn't understand ,you can't reason with someone that refuses to listen "
Cleo " we all need to be careful , she's more dangerous now "
Thomas " cleo is right don't go anywhere alone ,and don't go out after dark "
Jessy " we need to leave soon visiting hours are almost over be careful "
Richy " you all be careful jessy remember MC's friend what's her name ?"
Jessy " Shannon ?"
Richy " yes she would probably know something you should tell jake "
Jessy " I'll text him when i get home "
After we said goodbye we left and headed home where was Mc ?. How was she ? Is she safe ? i felt sorry for jake he loves her so much i know he's probably hurting but won't say anything to us .i just hope he found her soon.


They didn't know anything but who would someone knows but they're not saying anything mac found her car at the shopping centre that meant someone picked her up but who ? I didn't sleep last night. I couldn't because the bed was too big for me alone so I stayed up all night working just then my phone started ringing Jessica was calling .
Jake " hello Jessica "
Jessy " MC was right you're the only person who calls me that , anyway Richy suggested that since we don't know anything about the situation , Shannon would know . You remember Shannon right ?"
Jake " Yes thank you for reminding me about her I'll try to find out right away " after she hung i grabbed angel's phone and scrolled through her contacts i found Shannon's number i opened my laptop and started i ran her number into the software it showed she was on the road, but she hasn't been in contact with angel for a while . I searched her trash but nothing so decided to hack her camera. I couldn't do anything else after  a few minutes the camera came on from the angle of the camera it was in the cup holder i could see her speaking that meant someone else was with her so i activated the  speaker .
Shannon " You're crying we can still turn around "
Then I heard her voice ...

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