chapter 12

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This was it he wanted to get married he bought another one of the dress for me  i knew without a doubt it would end up on the floor in pieces  as we headed out to the car i stopped suddenly
Mc " jake I don't have a ring for you"
Jake " don't worry angel i had already ordered them when we had gotten engaged mac picked them up earlier for me "
He really was amazing. I was worried about Jessy and the others when I walked into the room and saw Jessy was calling. I was happy but when she said Hannah was there in her apartment with a gun I think I died a little . Lilly was another story only time would tell if she meant what she said. I just wanted him to be happy . I felt terrible lying to him but I don't know how he would react to it, he'll understand when everything is over. We got into the limo and headed to the courthouse he just held my hand my parents just looked at us
Mr mc " In a few minutes she'll be your problem jake , take care of my daughter "
Jake " i will sir and thank you for trusting me enough to be with her "
Mr mc " why wouldn't i, we see the way you treat her , you act like a insane maniac if anything happens to her and more than anything else you love her "
Jake " i do love her more than life itself"
Mrs mc " then don't worry about anything soon you'll be our son-in-law"
Mr mc " And also a millionaire and prominent individual in society "
Jake " I don't want or need anything but her and our child "
Mrs mc " that reminds me  i hope you two intend to have more than one child i need a lot of grandbabies "
Mc " Mom "
Mr mc " Don't scold your mother sweetheart you knew this was waiting she always told you "
Jake just looked at me and smiled when we got to the courthouse my Palms started sweating i was nervous why was i nervous
Jake " you okay angel ?"
Mc " yes i am let's do this "
One hour later with Mac as a witness we were officially married. I couldn't believe it.i just looked at him and smiled .
Mc. " Are you happy Jake ?"
Jake " more than you can imagine angel "
He kept looking at the ring we needed to leave for Duskwood to get all of them .I was worried about what she would do next .


We were married i felt fucking happy beyond all reason she was mine and i was her's i kept looking at the ring i was estatic I've never actually felt this happy  that's how she made me feel .
Jake " angel call them and tell everyone to get to  Phil's bar we'll pick them up there "
Mc " okay "
Jake " mac when we get there we'll need a limo for everyone "
Mac " okay I'll take care of it "
Mac has become more than a security guard for me he became a friend
Jake " mac "
Max " yes "
Jake " thank you , for everything you've become a friend to me more like family , and i appreciate you more than you know ,i rarely ever trust people but you i find i can trust so thank you."
Mac " it's okay Jake, thank you for trusting me I'll take care of that thing for you "
When I turned around they were all looking at me they didn't say anything
Mr mc " okay we'll take you two to the airfield and head home to pack we'll be leaving after you get back "
Mrs mc " you'll need to by another jet "
Mc " another one Why ?"
Mrs mc " well you're married , your husband works for the FBI , we want both of you living with us and he needs to travel and one jet won't do it "
Jake " You can't be serious angel tell me she's not serious ?"
Mc " now you understand why i left "
Mrc " you married my only daughter I'm a millionaire. I understand you want nothing but her. But  i intend to spoil both of you and my grandkids it's my right let me have that much "
After his speech he just stood there smiling. Her family was crazy and then I realized they were my family also . I actually had a family now, something I always wanted but knew I could never have It was now possible because of her. as we got into the limo and headed  to the airfield my in-laws had all kinds of plans what they wanted to do for us i just looked at her she was glowing when we got to there the jet was already waiting for us so i pulled out my phone and called phil
Phil " i was just about to call you "
Jake " what happened ?"
Phil " nothing I've got everyone here in the bar richy , jessy , cleo , Thomas and , Lilly I'm coming also are you sure about this ?"
Jake " yes we're sure we'll see you guys in a few hours "
she was quiet.
Jake " what's wrong wife you're quiet?"
Mc " well husband I'm hoping we can keep them all safe "
Jake "i like the sound of that "
Mc " sound of what "
Jake " my wife "
Mc " so do I love "
Jake" angel Lilly is also with them "
Mc " it's okay Jake i just hope she's changed "
Jake " I'll make sure of it before we bring her here "
I was a bit hesitant. I didn't want her there in Duskwood but she would probably have my ass if I said no and I wasn't willing to piss her off on her wedding day after we said our goodbyes and boarded. Mac just left us alone when we took off  she just sat there quietly .I sat there looking at her she turned towards me and smiled at me she was stressing herself out i saw it in her eyes
Jake " come with me angel "
Mc " oh boy what exactly is it that you intend to do my husband ?"
Jake " i need to check this dress you know to make sure it rips easily "
Mc " if you rip it I'll kill you I don't have anything else to wear "
I just lifted her up and took her to the room after I locked the door. I just stood there looking at her. I realized I left a few t-shirts in here so I walked over to her and ripped the dress off her .
Mc " dammit jake again ? I don't have anything to wear"
I pulled her towards the bed with me
Jake " just lay here with me i just want to hold you , besides i have a few t-shirts  in the closet there "
She laid next to me very quietly and for some unknown reason my hands drifted down to her stomach . Then it hit me hard. I wasn't just responsible for her alone anymore. We were having a child. If it was a girl, I would need to up my game . I was lost in thought i didn't hear her saying my name
Mc " jake "
Jake " yes angel "
Mc " you have a worried look on your face "
So i explained to her what i was just thinking she just looked at me and smiled
Mc " we'll be fine all three of us will be fine "

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