Chapter 27

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Shit i was in trouble i wanted to avoid her because I don't fancy having to dodge shit she was throwing
Jake " thank you Thomas "
Phil " you had to say it didn't you ?"
Thomas " i just said what i heard "
Phil " yea but you could have waited until they left "
Thomas " oh shit sorry "
Jake " if she throws another vase at me I'm dealing with you "
Thomas " sorry I'll apologize to her "
Phil " if i were you I'd stay away "
I left them at the kitchen table talking and went looking for her. I ran into my father-in-law .
Mr Mc " Jake are you busy at the moment ?"
Jake " no, is something wrong ?"
Mr mc " no i just want to discuss something with you Let's go to my office "
Jake " okay "
After we got to the office she was just about to leave with Shannon .i walked up to her an apologized
Jake " I'm sorry angel "
Mc " it's fine "
She just walked away i went into the office and he locked the door i took a seat
Jake " what's wrong "
Mr mc " you do know  you're more  than a son-in-law you're like a son to me , mc has 25% shares in the company and now you do too and our grandchildren will have their own shares in the other business I'm starting you've been included in my new will also our first grandchild hopefully you'll have more than one child you and mc own a few properties  New York , vail , Florida and aspen"
Jake "  I don't need or want all that"
Mr mc " i know you don't ,last night when we were out i was happy to introduce you as my son to my friends, you're completely gone over my daughter and i just want you both to have everything "
He really was some else
Jake " I'll accept all of  that only on two conditions "
Mr mc " if they're reasonable then okay"
Jake " first you have to promise not to hog my child "
Hr started laughing .
Mr mc " fine fine i won't but I can't promise for my wife "
Jake " and the second you'll know what it is when the time's right
He went quiet
Mr mc " very well then"
Just then there was a knock at the door he went to open it
Mc " Dad there's someone here to see you "
Just then a Guy walked in he was about my age i saw him looking at her
Mr mc " oh James come on in i completely forgot you were supposed to come over you remember my daughter mc
James " yes sir "
Mr mc " well this is her husband Jake"
James " nice to meet you "
He tried to shake my hand I just nodded at him I didn't like the way he was looking at her he just stared at me and i kept staring at him
Jake " we'll continue our conversation later Dad ,let's go sweetheartl i have something to tell you "
I could tell I shocked both of them by calling him Dad. She just looked at me. I took her hand and led her out of the office .
Mc " okay what was that "
Jake " what was what ?"
Mc " in there with the staring "
Jake " I don't like the way he was looking at you "
She just rolled her eyes at me
Jake " I'm sorry about this morning angel , Thomas just said what he heard but i heard it too that was after you fell asleep "
Mc " Wait what ? I'm confused "
Jake " phil and Shannon "
Mc " oh shit "
Jake " they are adults that's their business"
I saw phil , Thomas and richy walking towards us
Jake " What's wrong ?"
Richy " genius over here  got us kicked out from the party "
Phil " i didn't do shit "
Thomas " yea right "
I just looked at them. They really were comical. Just then James walked out of the office they all turned and looked at him at the same time he started walking towards  her . Phil , Thomas and richy all took position's blocking her he stumbled for a minute and changed directions i saw my father-in-law standing by the door trying to hold back his laugh
Jake " why did you do that ?"
Phil " didn't you see the way he was eying her ?"
Mc " you idiots do realize I'm still here "
Richy " pipe down nobody's getting anywhere near you unless we want them to or Jake say's it's okay "
She stormed off saying something about cavemen three hours later when I went into our apartment. I knew she was there. Shannon was looking in on her for me . When i walked into the room she was sleeping
Jake" wake up sleepy head time for the baby shower "
Mc " hmm no go away "
Jake " really you want me to go away angel "
Mc " yes ".
She covered her head with a pillow i just smiled and walked into the bathroom i needed a shower after my shower i got dressed and went into my office a few minutes later i heard her before i saw her
Mc " jake "
Jake " in here love"
Wait was she crying i got up and went to her
Jake " what's wrong "
Mc " bad dream, don't leave me "
Jake " i won't ever leave i promise , come on time for the party "
Mc " okay I'll take a shower and get dressed "
After she got dressed we headed downstairs everyone was already there her mother and friends took her from me i saw my Phil Calling me over so i went over to them
Jake " what's up "
Mac " 15 to 4
Jake " shit that much rooting for a boy?"
Mac " yep "
I honestly don't remember how many conversations I was a part of. We were relaxing by ourselves drinking.
Shannon " okay ladies and gentlemen time to find out what the gender of the baby is "
Someone shouted " about time too "
Lilly " Jake where are you come here"
I got up and walked over to where she was i really hoped it was a girl as i got next to her she was smiling


I already knew and he knew it in his heart he just looked at me Lilly , Jessy and Shannon were all holding a powder cannon they started counting down
Lilly " 3 "
Shannon " 2 "
Jessy "1"
They all popped off at the same time it was pink. I smiled. I heard a lot of groans when I looked at him and he was smiling. I heard another cannon go off  when I looked at his face. He wasn't smiling anymore when I looked at his shirt, blood was starting to stain it .
Mc " Jake , jake "
He was starting to fall over i couldn't move
I started screaming and crying no he can't leave me i felt someone pulling me .
Dad " mac get the car "
Lilly " come on mc , he'll be fine "
Mc " no no no he can't die he promised" .
He wasn't moving. There was so much blood I couldn't lose him not now.

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