Chapter 26

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They all started laughing we sat talking about everything i got a text from jake At the same time Jessy's phone buzzed
Jake " i love you angel i miss you already "
So i replied " hope you're having fun "
Jake " i am "
And that was it we sat there well into the evening we had dinner out on the patio
Mc " okay time for me to call it quits i need to sleep "
Shannon " but it's only 9 "
Mc " i know but i get tired early "
Jessy " it's okay mc "
Lilly " sweet dreams call us if you need anything "
Shannon " yes we'll be right here "
Mom " come on sweetheart I'll walk you up "
I left them and went up with my mom
Mom " Are you happy sweetheart "
Mc " i am mom "
Mom " Can I ask you something ?"
Mc " sure mom "
Mom " back then everything that happened it was all jake i mean when you were in the hospital when i told you about getting married you knew him already ?"
Mc " yes I was and still am in love with him "
Mom " if i had to choose someone for you they wouldn't even come close to him , you know your dad is crazy about him right "
Mc " i figured that much "
When we got to the apartment she kissed me goodnight and left i went into the apartment and into the room i took a quick shower and got into bed it felt lonely without him i didn't know when i fell asleep but i remember waking up i felt him
Mc " Jake are you back ?"
Jake " yes i am love "
Mc " where were you? What time is it?"
Jake " it's 2 in the morning ,Dad took us to Vegas "
Wait Dad Vegas
Mc " were you Drinking ?"
Jake " yes but not much the rest of them are drunk even mac he started laughing "
Mc " what's so funny ?"
Jake " they tried to get me drunk too but i threw most of it away I'll take a shower and we'll sleep "
Since when does he call my father dad and Vegas ? I stood up by bed he came out of the shower the first thing i saw was the tattoo , it was two months ago after going out with mac one day he came home with a tattoo on the left side of his chest it was a tattoo of an angel .now i was looking at him he stood there with just a towel around his waist i wanted him so bad
Jake " like what you see angel ?"
Mc " oh yes i want you right now "
Jake " now that's something we can both agree on "
Just then there was a knock at the door
Jake " stay here "
Mc " what if it's one of the girls "
He didn't answer, he just left, then came back and went into the bathroom then walked out again after a few moments he came back .
Mc " who was it ?"
Jake " phil
Mc " what did he want ?",
Jake " something now back to where we were , you were saying something "
I just looked at him and smiled


I walked up to her and looked down at her
Jake “Damn angel they keep getting
Mc “I forget they look like this.”
I wrapped a lock of her hair around my finger.
Jake “ you look hot like this not just the tiny tank top but this sexy just got out of bed hair ,”
I slid my hand down over her barely
covered up ass,
Jake “this needs more covering up too.”
Mc " I'm in our room no-one comes in here besides you"
She  sounded out of breath. I liked knowing I was getting to her.
Jake “Good, “How was your sleep before I came home?”
I asked before taking a nip at her earlobe.
Mc “Uh… I uh… sleep was good,”
She sounded nervous. I pulled back. Why did she sound nervous?
Jake “Only good?”
I asked, watching as her cheeks turned  red. She was  shifting her feet
Mc“ well Pregnant dreams can be
um… intense.”
Jake “Pregnant dreams? What do you mean?”
I was curious now. The fact her
entire face was a  red  only made me want to know more. Because this was not like her She started to move and I grabbed her hips and kept her pinned  to me.
Jake“Oh no, you don’t angel talk to me"
When she tried to squirm away from me my hand slid up and grazed her left breast causing her to moan and she pressed against me.
Mc “Please, jake. I need you to,” she begged.
She needed me to? 
Jake “angel  are your dreams about sex?”
She whimpered and nodded
Mc“Yes, and it recently started "
Fuck I laid her down on the bed and pulled her clothes off before crawling on top of her.
Jake “Get this top off,”
I said as I yanked it up and over her
head. I stopped and looked down at her she was perfect and she was mine
Mc“Jake, please I need you in me,” she squirmed and pleaded. As much as I wanted to worship her body it looked like I wasn’t going to get to as I began touching her she started moaning Sex crazed angel was going to be fun. It was like I’d just won the fucking jackpot  I laid over her and with one easy stroke I was in her. She grabbed onto my shoulders and threw her head back. If this was how she was pregnant then I was keeping her like this for the next five or ten years. This was hot.
Mc“please jake  harder  ”
Jake“ angel, please don't I don't want to hurt you"
She just smiled  up at me.
Mc“ you won't I promise. Now
please,do it hard. In my dreams, you bend me over and do me hard until I’m
screaming and clawing at the bed begging you never to stop.”
She’d not only been having sex dreams about me but dirty sex dreams
Jake “if that's what you want , angel? I’ll make you feel better If you want it hard angel then I’m going to give you what you want, I pounded into her and almost lost my mind The cries of pleasure coming from her weren’t helping either
Mc “Harder,”
She moaned and I lost it. I began pumping into her with the same wild needy abandon that had consumed her. When her tight warmth began
squeezing me and my name came tearing out of her mouth and I let go.

Jake was on his back pulling me to him. I curled up in his arms and sighed in relief. He’d made all the achy, needy parts of me very happy. More than happy. I Was sore all over and I loved it.
Jake“I think you may have broken me. Are you waking up every morning like this?"
Mc“Yes. Sometimes in the middle of the night too.”
Jake “The middle of the night? Why didn't you tell me ?”
Mc " I don't know "
Jake " come on let's get you a shower and back to bed "
After a bath and we got to bed i was out pretty fast i felt him staring at me
Mc " what time is it babe ?"
Jake " it's eight in the morning love "
Mc " another hour and I'll wake up "
Jake " okay I'll be in my office "


I woke up before she did Jessica and the others came looking for her but i told them she was asleep so they left i sat doing some work when i saw here walk out of the room she already showered i walked out to meet her
Jake " good morning angel "
Mc " morning babe I'm hungry "
Jake " let's go eat "
We headed down to the kitchen the entire house was in chaos
Mc " what's going on mac ?"
Mac " baby shower "
Mc " oh Yes and I'm not allowed to do anything "
We sat at the table and Gerald brought her food over i sat drinking my coffee and looking at her
Mc " i feel you staring babe "
Jake " I'm just wondering if you're the same person from last night ?"
Her face was starting to turn red
Mc " not here Jake "
Jake " I'm sure the entire house heard you last night besides your neck looks lovely "
Mc " that's not funny Jake "
She was starting to look sad shit
Jake " sorry love i won't say anything more eat your breakfast "
Just then phil ,Thomas and Shannon walked in walked in
Shannon " morning everyone "
Mc " morning "
Thomas " hey Did anyone hear that screaming last night ?"
I didn't look at her, I just looked at Thomas with a puzzled look. Phil and Shannon looked guilty as hell they looked everywhere else except at Thomas. She got up and took her plate with her . while giving me the death stare they all saw it
Mc." I'll be in my dad's office if anyone needs me "
Phil " looks like someone is in trouble
Jake " imma kick your ass Thomas "
Shannon just walked away
Thomas " why would you say that "
Phil " shit duck "
I barely ducked in time she threw another damn vase
Jake " Angel what  was that for ,and why "
Mc " all three of you "
Jake " i didn't do anything "
She just gave all three of us a nasty look And walked away .

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