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She stayed in the hospital for one week more in that time i never left her side for more than five minutes i could tell she was getting annoyed i had called the director and told him i needed another week after I told him exactly what happened he was understanding Jessica , Thomas , richy , cleo and phil were just here they came to say goodbye we were leaving Dan has been cut off he was the one that told Lilly everything , I'm not sorry to see him go i won't have anyone in our lives with bad intentions .

Mc : Jake stop hovering over me

Jake : yeah sure whatever

I ignored her because she likes to argue me to death. I just let her gripe about it . She was still weak, the bruises were fading , her face was still a bit swollen. I still can't get it out of my mind how she looked .

Mac : Ready

Mc : yes , jake get the wheelchair please

Jake : Why ?

Mc : How the hell will i get to the car?

I just looked at her

Jake : Mac can you please get the bags we'll be down .

After mac grabbed her bags I walked over to her

Jake : Let's go love ,time to go home.

I bent down and picked her up.

Mc : You can't be serious ,you can't lift me all the way downstairs.

Jake : Why not , you're mine aren't you.

She started laughing like a loon after I got into the elevator with her. She wanted to stand up , so i set her stand next to me . And  looked at her .

Mc : What's wrong ? Is there something on my face ?

Jake : No, just looking at you .

After we got off the elevator I picked her up and walked out with her. We got into the car and headed to the airfield. Her father and mother went back home to prepare the house for her . I invited Jessica and the others to come out and visit us when everything was settled . Hannah was in a psychiatric hospital  getting the help she needed , Lilly left Duskwood no one knows where she went, so did Dan .
my father I don't know  and I didn't care.when we reached the airfield i got out and picked her up .

Mc : i could get used to this

Jake : well then i won't stop

After we boarded the jet and the pilot made all the check's we were off .Mac left us. I opened my laptop because i had some things I needed to get done. When I looked up, she was looking at me really weird .

Jake : Like what you see ?

Mc : yep ,... Jake !

Jake : yes angel

I answered but she didn't say anything so I looked up and looked over the laptop  at her. Her eyes had that mischievous glint in them . I knew that look.

Jake : No angel you're hurt not happening .

Mc : fine , you do remember that you're the one who gives me my bath right .

God damnit i have been trying not to touch her like that for the past week and she was taking my mind there i needed to think about something else.

Jake : There's a surprise for you when you get home.

Mc : oh what kind of surprise?

Jake : A good one , you need to take your medicine .

Mc : fine drug me up and keep me asleep . So I won't bother you.

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