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She was just standing there smiling , if she kept this shit up she would be under me soon . I know i was risking her being pissed at me but it was a chance I was willing to take , i needed my ring on her damn finger first and fast so i did the only rational thing i could i grabbed my bag and walked back into the bathroom and closed the door I got dressed and came back out she was still standing there I walked past her and opened the door never saying a word to her , i left her right there. I knew there would be hell to pay for doing that to her .i walked down and saw mac

Mac : you ready

Jake : yep let's go


I timed it just right when he walked out of the bathroom I could tell he was shocked as hell , Jesus fucking Christ that was all he said and he just stood there then he grabbed his bag what the hell he just left me standing there when he walked out of the bathroom and walked out of the room I think i lost a peice of myself ,he didn't want me i pulled my clothes back on and walked out i headed back to my room i saw him leaving with mac i went into my room and locked the door. He literally walked past me not interested. I basically threw myself at him and he refused me , I felt hurt, disgusted and disappointed . What was the use of having a boyfriend that won't even sleep with you . I wouldn't even try anymore. I laid on my bed just staring at the ceiling , I don't know how long I laid there feeling sorry for myself .


After 2 hours of searching the found the perfect ring for her it was a solitaire cut but it wasn't just a plain diamond it had a bit of blues in it I wanted it to be perfect for her and it was I wasn't bothered about the price after we got the ring we got back into the car if I was going to do this i was going to do this right

Jake : mac i need flowers not just any flowers but multi coloured roses

Mac : Damn you're really going all out huh?

Jake : Why wouldn't I? She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love her ,and i will spend the rest of my life loving her and making her happy.

Mac : where you gonna propose

Jake : I'm thinking about that

Mac : At the back of the mansion there's a gazebo in the garden. You can do it there tonight .

Jake : perfect let's go order some roses

After 2 hours of hunting down roses and everything I needed we headed back it was almost 6 in the evening ,i noticed she didn't call me or text me that means She's probably still pissed off at me for walking out on her.after we got back i walked inside and walked straight over to where her father's office was i knocked once and opened the door he was just sitting there reading

Mr mc : Is everything ok

Jake : yes i just need to keep her away from the garden

Mr mc : well that shouldn't be too hard since you left she hasn't shown her face want to explain

How the hell do you tell a man that his daughter was standing naked in your room trying to get you to have sex with her i was saved from answering when his wife walked in

Mrs mc : let him be sweetheart

She just looked at me and smiled

Jake : i almost forgot

I took the ring out and showed it to them

Mrs mc : it's lovely it has blues in it her favourite colour

Mr mc : well done where will you be proposing

Jake :  The gazebo out back I need some help setting it up. The roses are already here.

Mrs mc : I'll take some of the staff and set it up nicely with some candles don't worry, it will be perfect .

Jake : thank you I'll go up and see what she's up to

I walked out the door and up the stairs how mad would she be at me i knocked on her door

Mc : who is it

I didn't answer i just knocked again after a few minutes she opened the door i felt like shit she was crying and her face was unreadable she just stood there staring at me

Jake : I'm sorry Angel

She turned away and tried to close the door. I stopped it with my foot and she turned around and looked at me. Okay this was the first time I've ever seen her this angry. I hope I never make her angry again. I didn't wait. I pushed past her into the room then locked the door.

Mc : what is it jake

Jake : I'm sorry I did that to you.

Mc : Do you have any idea how you made me feel?

Jake : no I'm sorry it won't ever happen again it's just everytime we're alone you take off all your clothes. I've  told not to do it.

Mc : well you won't have to worry about that anymore.

Jake : don't you think I'm tempted to make love to you , I want to but I'm trying to be good here. I want it to be perfect.

Mc : what do you want to be perfect it doesn't matter anymore so forget it.

Jake : I was gone for almost five hours and you didn't text me or call me.

Mc : i was busy feeling hurt and disappointed in myself , i basically threw myself at you and you ignored me you walked right past me.

Jake : I had something very important to do that was why I spoke to your dad earlier.

Mc : I don't want to know I don't care.

Jake : Angel

Someone was knocking on the door so i got up and opened it

Mrs mc : its finished

Jake : Thank you is it dark enough

Mrs mc : yes it is

Jake : I need both of you to be there.

Mrs mc : ok we'll go there now you'll need to hurry up we have to leave soon .

Jake : ok we'll be behind you

I closed the door and looked at her

Jake : Angel this is the point that will either destroy everything we have or make it better . Do you trust me?

Mc : Of course I trust you

Jake : then let's go

Mc : Go where ?

Jake : just trust me they're waiting

Mc : Who's waiting ? What's going on

I grabbed her hand and started walking when we got out the front door it was pretty dark so i got out the blindfold

Jake : trust me Angel

I walked her over to the back and into the gazebo  this was it what would she say everyone was standing there , so i got down on one knee

Jake : Take off the blindfold angel

When she took it off she looked around. She was surprised I could tell but when she saw me on one knee i think her knees went weak .

Jake : you're the only person in the world that makes me happy , you had my heart before I knew it . When I'm with you I feel like I belong somewhere I'll spend the rest of my life making you happy . I want to build a life with you , a home with you .I love you Angel will you marry me ?

She was crying I knew she would

Mc : yes yes yes

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