Now what

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As i headed out of the prison gates i saw a familiar head of red hair it was jessy 

Mc : Jessy 

Jessy : umm yes sorry do i know you ?

Mc : yes you do it's me mc

Jessy : oh my goodness finally 

She caught me in a big hug 

Mc : we need to talk are you heading back to Duskwood now ?

Jessy : actually no i was going to get a room at the hotel and stay here for the next two days phil will be released on Tuesday .

Mc : You don't have to stay at a hotel, you can stay with me at my apartment.

Jessy : are you sure 

Mc : yes i am , did you drive here ?

Jessy : No, I took a taxi from the airport.

Mc : ok lets go ,my car should be here later today .

So I paid the taxi that I came in and he left  . We got into the taxi she came with and I gave him directions to my apartment . She was  just looking at me .

Mc : What's the matter, why are you looking at me like that?

Jessy : It's just I'm shocked you're here in person . We all wondered what you looked like . Can I tell the others?

Mc : yes you can but let's wait until we get back to the apartment . There is something important you and the others need to know .

Jessy : ok then 

When we got to the apartment we had a match as to who would pay. I wanted to do it for her but she wasn't backing down so i paid half and she paid half i opened the door and let her in i showed her to the extra room and let her get settled in . She came back 5 minutes later.

Jessy : mc are you sure

Mc : yes Jessy don't worry about it.

Jessy : i didn't know you lived in Washington 

Mc : i don't I'm here because Jake is here , so I could be closer to him.

Jessy : Wow you really are gone over him huh . Does he feel the same way ?

Mc : yes he does 

Jessy : That's good mc I'm happy for you I really am .

I got her a drink and called her to have a seat with me .

Mc : ok so remember i told you I needed to speak with Jake before I told you and the others about anything .
Jessy : yes what's it all about

Mc : well Jake doesn't love Hannah because she his sister 

Jessy : wait what 

Mc : yea i was shocked at first too but it's true they have the same father. But that's what he told Lily and she took the video down .

Jessy : oh my god Thomas needs to know he's so angry he thought Jake was lying .

Mc : add them all to the group chat and we'll tell them better yet video call them .

Jessy : ok but is Jake ok with telling them .

Mc : yes but they shouldn't know he's in prison 

Jessy : ok I'll call 

So she added them all to a chat and called cleo was the first to answer then one by one the all answered

Jessy : you guys are not going to believe this but I'm with mc right now 

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