Chapter 20

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Jake was and is amazing I couldn't think beyond him he says he won't leave i want to believe him so bad everyone says they won't leave but when presented with a way out they don't think twice about it  he was asleep he has a new way of sleeping he doesn't let go of me it was probably two am and i couldn't sleep that is the one thing that kept bother me I need to find a way for jake to really prove he won't leave . He started turning next to me
Jake " What time is it ?"
Mc " Around two "
Jake " stop thinking and close your eyes angel "
Mc " I can't sleep "
Jake " okay then just close your eyes and let me hold you "
I didn't say anything I did as he asked when I opened my eyes again sunlight was shining In through the glass door of the balcony . I looked next to me in the bed but he wasn't there when I checked the bedside table to see what time it was I saw a note .
" You were asleep and i didn't want to wake you up i went for a run on the beach "
I got up and opened the door and went out to the balcony i saw him on the beach he was just sitting there shirtless i saw a boat coming in the  it must be Corinne coming to clean i took a quick shower and threw up even though i hadn't eaten anything and headed downstairs just as i got down he was coming through the door with Corinne behind him he walked over to me and kissed me.
Jake " Good morning angel i thought you'd sleep longer "
Mc " i had enough sleep , good morning Corinne "
Corinne " good morning miss mac already told what needs to be done "
Mc " okay and thank you "
Corinne " oh your father sent this for you , also there's a storm warning for the next two days "
Mc " thank you "
I took the manila envelope from her and headed back up to our room he walked in behind me
Mc " have you had breakfast yet ?"
Jake " not yet I'll grab a shower first and meet you in the kitchen "
I left him and headed to the kitchen Corinne was already there making coffee 
Corinne " i know you have a love for coffee "
she placed a cup Infront on me it smelled so good but i couldn't
Mc " thank you but  I'll actually have a cup of tea"
She looked at me and she was going to say something I've known her for as long as I could remember. She doesn't let anything get past her even though my dad was wary of her .Mom loves her. She made a gesture i just nodded
Corinne " really ?"
Mc " yes "
Corinne " oh thank you lord I'm so happy for you then you said you would never get married "
I started laughing because i remember always saying that to her whenever she mentioned a boyfriend
Corinne " the young man ?"
Mc " jake my husband "
Corinne " oh congratulations Sweetheart the I'll get started on breakfast "
Just then Jake walked in and sat next to me. He saw the coffee and looked at me.
Mc " No it's for you I'm having tea "
He just looked at me and smiled
Jake " I'll be in the office. I have something to do and how about we watch a movie later ?"
Mc " Sounds good "
We sat and ate breakfast outside on the patio while Corinne was inside cleaning up we sat there for a few hours not saying anything then Corinne walked out
Mc " is something wrong Corinne ?"
Corinne " I'll need to head back to the other island the storm is moving in faster than expected , there's firewood inside i already made lunch and did some meal prep for you  I don't know how long the storm will last i already secured all the windows "
Mc " thank you Corinne who brought you over ?"
Corinne " Jones the gardener he's waiting I'll take your leave miss "
Mc " thank you be careful let me know when you're back at the island "
After she left we sat there i saw the dark clouds rolling in faster. It was starting to get dark .
Jake " come on let's go inside I'll start a fire "
Mc " ok "
I really hoped He would pass this test because if he didn't I don't know what I would do .


She was acting nervous something was bothering her but i won't ask her when she's ready she'll talk to me after we cleaned up we headed inside just then my phone rang
Jake " hello sir "
Director " i sent you an email "
Jake " sure I'll check it right away "
I hung up and headed to the office it was starting to get cold so i started a fire in the office pretty soon it was warm
Jake " Angel I'm in the office i just need to check something really quick "
I didn't know where she was but I'm sure she heard me i sat down and opened my laptop i saw that he  sent me another assignment this would keep me busy for a while just then she walked in i couldn't read her face she just walked up to the desk and handed me the envelope
Jake " what is this ?"
No answer what was going on
Jake " Angel what's in the envelope ?"
She still wouldn't answer me she just stood there with folded hands looking at me
Jake " fine "
I opened the envelope and there was a document inside. I pulled it out. The first words I saw were Divorce i didn't want to read it. I stood up and walked over and threw the entire envelope into the fire .
Jake " that's not happening angel not now or ever "
She just turned around and walked out not before I saw her smile .Did she think I would really read that I walked out after her .
Mc " what do you want for lunch ?"
Jake " i don't know you decide I'm not really hungry "
Mc " okay neither am i are you finished let's watch a movie "
Jake " sure "
She put on a movie honestly i couldn't tell what the movie was about she laid on the sofa with her head in my lap
Mc " I wonder what we're having, a boy or a girl ?
Jake " Doesn't matter either way it's our child mine and yours"
Mc " i actually want a boy what do you want ?"
Jake " I'd prefer a girl a mini version of you"
She started laughing. What the hell just happened ? It's like a switch was flipped she was acting more like herself was that what she needed proof that i wouldn't leave even if i was handed a way out she sat up and looked at me
Mc " i love you so much I'm sorry I've been acting crazy for the past few days i just need to be sure ".
Jake " Do you believe me now ?"
Mc " yes i do "
Jake " i love you and only you never forget that "
She laid back down and continued to watch the movie while I played with her hair .I didn't even notice she fell asleep at the first peal of thunder she jumped up .
Jake " relax it's just the storm, you want to go to bed angel "
Mc " yes but only if you carry me "
Jake " I wouldn't have it any other way love ".

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