I'll Protect you (Tom Cavanagh Harry Wells)

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I huffed into the Cortex and plopped down in the seat next to Cisco. He spared me a glance before quietly getting up and leaving. I ran my hands through my hair and let my head hang while tugging on it. I didn't notice the scientist that was staring at me with a small smile on his face. I bit my lip to keep my tears at bay. It had been a tough day at work and I didn't want to burden anyone in Team Flash with the troubles I had seen. The noise of wheels on the floor brought me out of my self-induced trance. I squeezed my eyes shut before taking a big shaky breath. A hand on my back drew my attention to the man who had sat down next to me.

"You alright (Y/L/N)?" Harry asked. I shook my head and he stood up with open arms. I stayed seated and pressed my forehead to his stomach while wrapping my arms around his hips. He chuckled as his arms fell onto my upper back. One hand played with my hair and the other rubbed small circles between my shoulder blades. It was quiet for a while before he spoke again. "Do you want to talk about it?" His voice was low and soothing. I sighed as I moved closer to him and held him tighter.

"Just a long day at work surrounded by idiots." I mumbled out against him. Harry chuckled and pushed me away gently so he could see my face.

"Aren't you always?" He teased. I rolled my eyes and he finally noticed how red they were. "It was worse today wasn't it?" I nodded again before he pulled me tightly against him. We stayed that way for about ten minutes before Harry pulled away.

"Hey." I mumbled weakly as I went to grab his belt loops. Harry danced just out of my reach and smiled down at me.

"You trust me right?" He asked, a ghost of a smile playing on his face. I nodded and Harry stepped closer before swooping me up into his arms.

"HARRY!" I exclaimed. He laughed as he helped me settle in his arms before leaving the Cortex. He took me into his workspace that also led into his living quarters. Why he had never taken me up on the offer to crash in my guest room stumped me. Harry set me down on the bed that was in the room just off the main room. I could still see him as he moved towards the board. I could see his smile as he rolled it over to me. "What are we doing?" I asked as I tucked my legs under me.

"I'm going to draw something and we are going to throw things at it." Harry said as he focused on his drawing. I laughed as I shifted my weight so I was more comfortable.

"What are you drawing?" I asked as Harry focused. He shushed me and I moved to lay down on his bed. "Wake me when you are done. I'm exhausted." I yawned which drew Harry's attention to me. His smile grew softer as he watched me quickly fall asleep. I gripped his pillow as the world fell away. I missed Harry taking off his glasses and smiling at me while covering me with his blanket.

"I'm just going to let you sleep." He whispered. "You need it. More than you know." Harry leaned down to kiss my head before going back to the board and erasing the drawing he had made. Equations soon replaced it and Harry would look back at me sleeping in his bed when he would start to get frustrated. I slept through the Meta Alert and only woke up when Cisco burst into the room.

"(Y/N)! There you are! Come quick!" Cisco yelled as he shook me awake. I groggily pushed him away before sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I slurred out, my mind still foggy with sleep.

"It's Harry! He got hurt!" Cisco was practically pulling me out of the bed at this point. When I heard that Harry was hurt, I woke up quickly and ran out of the room with Cisco hot on my trail. I skidded to a halt when I reached the medical ward. Harry looked up at me from the bed where Caitlin was patching up his shoulder. Neither noticed me until Caitlin turned and saw me.

"He's going to be ok. Just a flesh wound." I smiled at her reference before focusing on Harry. He was wearing a black tank top and I couldn't help the blush that crept up on my cheeks. It was so rare to see him without his typical several layers of black. The room started to clear out by the time I found the courage to move to his side. Harry looked up at me with a slight longing. I swallowed before meeting his eyes again.

"Hi." I said as I sat down on the bed next to his legs. I started playing with the blanket out of nerves.

"Hi." He said. Harry's hand closed over mine before he spoke again. "You heard Caitlin. I'm going to be just fine. Just a scratch." I giggled as he smiled at me.

"A scratch? Your arm's off!" I faked a British accent which made Harry laugh.

"Tis but a flesh wound." Harry responded, making me laugh harder. "I've had worse." His eyes met mine again. "Seriously (Y/N). I'm fine." I nodded and he interlocked our fingers.

"What happened?" I asked quietly. "Must have been a while since I slept through most of it." Harry shook his head.

"It wasn't that long. A Meta got into the Labs. Came right down to where we were and I....well...." Harry trailed off and looked away. I stood up before I gently turned his head back to me before squeezing his hand.

"You what?" I asked. Harry blushed and fixed me with the same look he had when I had entered the room.

"I defended you. The Meta was after you. Something about your powers. I don't know. I didn't really pay much attention to it." Harry admitted. I cupped his cheek and smiled down at him. He pressed against my palm before kissing my wrist.

"Thank you." I whispered before leaning down and showing him my thanks in a kiss.

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