Luke Evans 8

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*a/n: don't read if u don't want to. Bet u can guess what this is just from the picture. ;)

I giggled as Luke picked me up and placed me on the bed. "Luke." I laughed as he leaned down on top of me and kissed me. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. Our clothes were soon in a pile on the floor next to our bed.

Luke leaned back as he admired me. I ran my hand down his chest and pushed him down onto the bed. I grabbed his underwear and pulled them off quickly. Luke smiled at me as he did the same to me. He leaned in and kissed me, pulling me on top of him. It grew heated and I felt Luke grow hard under me. I smirked as I reached down to gently tease him. Luke saw what I was doing and grabbed my hand.

"No can do love." He whispered. "It's all about you. Not me."

He kissed my lips and rolled over so he was on top. I looked up at him as he smiled down at me. He kissed me gently as he slid into me. He put one of my legs around his waist as he started to thrust into me. I bit my lip to stifle my moans. Luke kept kissing me gently as he set the pace. I moved my hips up to meet his with each thrust and I couldn't help but run my hands down his back. His moaned started to match mine as he thrust deeper inside me. I grabbed his hair and pulled on it as he kissed me again. I could feel the pressure building in my stomach as Luke moved to kiss my neck.

"Luke." I moaned. He growled in response and that set me even more on edge. I dragged my nails down his back as he hit the right spot. "Do that again Luke. Do it again." He did as I asked and after the third time I came as he kissed me. With one more thrust Luke released and moaned into my mouth.

We were panting as Luke pulled out and laid next to me. I rolled over onto his chest as he tried to steady his breath.

"I love you (y/n)." Luke panted as he stroked my hair. I smiled tiredly up at him.

"I love you too Luke." I said. "I love you too."

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