Heath ledger and Christian bale 1

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"Hey Christian," Heath said, carefully kicking his friend's foot. "Who's that girl? I've never seen her before."

"Don't know man. I haven't either." Christian replied. "You gonna find out?"

"Me? Ha! As if." Heath said with a laugh.

Your eyes were drawn to the two men you adored. As a fan of batman, you had spent all your money trying to get a ticket to get into this little dinner thing for the cast and some lucky fans. Now both batman and the joker had their eyes on you. A nervous smile made its way onto your face as you carefully avoided their table. You were going to make them come to you.

"Fine. I'll go then." Christian said and started to get out of his seat.

"I saw her first! I'll go." Heath said getting out of his seat as well.

"Why don't both of you go?" Gary said without looking at the two men. He could only guess what they were arguing about but he didn't really want to know nor did he care.

"Fine. We'll both go." Both men said and quickly got up. They made their way to you as you stood next to the bar, playing with your glass of soda.

"Hello. Can I buy the young lady a drink?" Heath said as he neared you. Smiling politely you shook your head.

"Sorry I don't drink me. Ledger." You said apologetically. Heath's smile faded and Christian's grew.

"Well then can I interest her in a soda then?" Christian quickly took his chance. Your smile became genuine and you nodded.

"Alright then mr. Bale." You said. Christian smiled and ordered you another soda. Before you could take a sip, both men were quickly herding you back to their table, begging to know your name and who you were. It was the night of your dreams. 

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