Billie Joe Armstrong 4

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  I sat at the desk and graded papers. I didn't see him staring at me. I didn't see the smile that crept onto his face. I didn't see him at all. I didn't know he existed. But he knew I did. Funny how the roles were reversed. The guy I liked wouldn't give me a second look, wouldn't even acknowledge me. And here I was, unknowingly doing the same thing to someone who liked me. It was one year til I met that boy and caught the eye of my crush. It was two years before I dumped him. It was three years before I got over the douchbag. It was four years before I realized I had what I was looking for right in front of me. He had been there from the beginning, being quietly jealous but supportive all the same. He was there when I dumped the bastard and quietly cheered me on and picked up the pieces that I had broken. He put them back together over time. It was five years before he asked me out. It's been a lifetime with him by my side and a lifetime more to look forward to.  

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